Hi All

Sorry confusing title earlier . My Query is regarding Sandesha2 usage 

I am already have running implementation of WS generated from WSDL.  and 
Client use OperationClient instead of ServiceClient as I need to  send 
Soap with attachment messages.  Now I am trying to add reliability for my 
communication using rampart. I just wondering is it possible to do this. 

1) I seen sample provided by client . All are written using ServiceClient 
and Sandesha api does not have   

which take OperationalClient. 

 Can we use Axis OperationClient  api to send invoke WS with rampart 
2) Any WSDL changes required for this  ?  ( MY WS implementation code 
depend on this ) 
3) Any documentation or sample link will be really helpful 

Thanks for your time

Yogesh Dhake 

04/07/2008 05:30 PM
Please respond to

axis-user@ws.apache.org, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Soap with attachment with Rampart  in Axis2

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