I have three questions that I need some information on.  One of them is on 
Rampart, and one on Axis2, and one on a particular scenario of the first two 

(1)  I've noticed that Rampart seems to support the WS-SecurityPolicy 1.0 
tokens "SupportingTokens", "SignedSupportingTokens", 
"EncryptedSupportingTokens", and "SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens". However, if 
any variation of the "SupportingTokens" element is used to specify a 
UsernameToken be sent to the service, none of them actually seem to be enforced 
on the service-side in the same way.  This means if I use 
"SignedSupportingTokens" to specify UsernameToken, the service does not require 
that the client actually sign its UsernameToken in the request.  Similarly, 
"EncryptedSupportingTokens" and "SignedEncryptedSupportingTokens" do not 
enforce encryption.

When the "EncryptedParts" element is used to specify that the SOAP Body should 
be encrypted, it returns an error "The signature or decryption is invalid" when 
a message is sent to it without the SOAP Body encrypted.  However, when I 
specify the UsernameToken with the Name and Namespace fields of the 
"EncryptedParts" element, the same sort of enforcement doesn't happen.

Is there any way at all to enforce UsernameToken encryption in Rampart outside 
of writing my own module to do the enforcing?

(2) We use UsernameToken in PasswordText encoding to send credentials to pass 
to the underlying application.  However, we also add Nonce and Created.  We 
realize this is not required by PasswordText encoding, but it isn't disallowed 
by the standard (the word "SHOULD" is used to describe the addition of these 
values when using PasswordText encoding).  What we could like to do is enforce 
the uniqueness of the combination of Nonce and Created values when they are 
passed in.

Now I realize that this is not something Rampart will do automatically, so I'd 
like to retrieve the decrypted message at runtime, perhaps from the password 
callback class, retrieve those values from that message and enforce their 
uniqueness there.  Is it possible to retrieve the decrypted SOAP header so that 
I could look for the proper values inside of the implementation of the password 
callback class?  If not, is it possible to do from the implementation of each 
Web service?

I guess if those are not possible, I could write a module to do this.  We were 
trying to avoid having to do this though because I perceive it would add more 
processing time.

(3) If I have to write modules for 1 and 2, then I would likely have to 
position the first one to be executed before the rampart module is executed and 
the message decrypted, and the latter one to be executed after the rampart 
module does this decryption.  How would I modify the configuration to allow one 
module to be executed before Rampart and one to be executed after?

Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated at this point.  I've 
looked as hard as possible for answers to these things on the net and through 
two Axis2 books I purchased, but I can't seem to find complete information.

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