

I am developing a web service, which has to insert the data into Oracle database.  I am not able to get the datasource object created as a global resource.

I also, created a resource link for ‘AXIS’ web module.


My Server is tomcat 5.0, and I configured Axis on it, and its working fine with simple test services.


My service object calls a DAO class, where I am creating an Initial context and loop up the “datasource”.


But my service object throws an exception.


Context ctx=new InitialContext();

DataSource ds =  (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/axisDS");



Thinking that axis has to create the server context with binding variables, I used the following code


                                    Properties props=new Properties();



                                    props.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL,"t3://localhost:80");  (my server is running on port 80).

                                    Context ctx=new InitialContext(props);     

DataSource ds =  (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/axisDS");



When use this code, Exception is  : “jdbc is not bound in this Context         




Context envCtx = (Context) (new InitialContext()).lookup("java:comp/env");


This code throw an exception is “java:comp is not bound in this Context


Could you pl, give clear directioins, of creating and calling the datasource from axis.






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