
I have to implement a SOAP webservice in Java (using tomcat as a servlet 
container) that offers a method with a given signature.
The webservice will be called by a Visual Basic client using the Microsoft SOAP 
Toolkit. The signature of the method requires 
a string parameter which is passed 'by reference'.

The question is how to tell the AXIS-Server to generate a SOAP-reply which 
returns not only the return-value 
of the function itself but additionally the manipulated string parameter 
without making changes to the client-implementation.

Rainer Rogatzki

Gemeinsames Gebietsrechenzentrum Hagen
GGRZ Hagen - Hoheleye 3a - 58093 Hagen
Fon 02331/987-621  Fax 02331/987-77621
Telearbeitsplatz Fon  0208 / 2 999 369
Internet: http://www.ggrz-hagen.nrw.de
Anfahrt:  http://www.ggrz-hagen.nrw.de/anschrift.htm

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