Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-27 Thread Bill Keese
(B (B (B (BHmm, too bad.   I looked at using Castor too.  I think Castor's (Bgenerated code works, although the generated classes are cumbersome to (Buse because you need to do if / else if / else if blocks to find out (Bwhat kind of element is in the choice node.  (They are changing that 

Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-25 Thread Michael Thome
(B (B (B (BDown the rat hole we go... (B (BAt first glance, the below looked like it was going to work, but the (Bserialization/deserialization code emitted by wsdl2java with this (Bapproach incorrectly turns the groups into named elements!   This (Bleaves us in a state where the deserial

Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-25 Thread Michael Thome
(B (B (B (BOK - I *think* I have a solution.  The following seems to allow me to (B(a) avoid changing the document syntax, (b) validation/parsing works (Bproperly, and (c) wsdl2java seems to generate sane code.  The cost is (Bsome minimal extra complexity in the schema and an extra generate

Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-25 Thread Michael Thome
(B (B (B (BAck - you are correct.  I only looked at the generated code (which (Blooks fine) and tried validating against an example that turned out to (Bbe too simple. (B (BNow I don't know... Any workaround would be extremely welcome, as I (Bneed this to work, also. (B (BI really don't

Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-24 Thread Bill Keese
(B (B (B (BMik, (B (BThanks for the answer.  But I think your work around won't permit data (Blike this: (B (B  (B ... (B ... (B ... (B ... (B  (B (BIe, I want to make lists containing different kinds of elements.  With (Byour solution I'm restricted to a list co

Re: xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-24 Thread Michael Thome
(B (B (B (BHaving just gone through a similar exercise: (B1. I think the correct approach ought to be to attach the min/max (Battributes to the choice rather than to the sequence - e.g. you want a (Bsingle sequence of any number of a choice of {and,or,not} elements, not (Bany number of seq

xsd:choice (and WSDL2Java)

2005-02-22 Thread Bill Keese
It looks like WSDL2Java doesn't support xsd:choice for Axis 1.2. Can (Banyone confirm/deny this? (B (BI had a declaration like this: (B (B (B (B (B (B (B (B (B (B (BI expected the generated java code to look like this: (Bclass FilterList { (BFilters[] filters; (B} (B (BBut instea