dynamic arrays

2002-04-03 Thread munjal
Hi, Can someone tell me how to implement dynaic arrays in the Axis SOAP websiervice. Is there a way to do this without using vectors?? thanks, Munjal


2002-04-03 Thread Ma, June
Title: JAXM Hi AXIS team, I attended JAVAONE last week, seems like SUN is pushing hard on JAXM. Does AXIS comply with JAXM. I know it complies with JAX-RPC. Thanks, -June

Installing / Deploying on JRUN

2002-04-03 Thread Travis Reeder
I'm trying to deploy the stock quote example, but when i run the client, first of all it sits there for a couple minutes, then it returns iwth jrun error saying /axis/services/AdminService is not set up as a web service.   Any ideas?   Travis

Re: Document style service with two methods

2002-04-03 Thread Stan Jordan
Ramon... Yup, I got it to work with 2 methods. I am most grateful for your help. Thanks! Stan - Original Message - From: "Stan Jordan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 8:06 AM Subject: Re: Document style service with two methods > Hi Ramon...

Controlling WSDL2Java Generation

2002-04-03 Thread Vidyanand Murunikkara
Hi I am trying to generate clients from a WSDL using axis. I want to set the option for disabling multirefs while i am accessing the service.One option is to go and change the java files that is generated manually and set the option on the call object. But i want to generate class files that i do

RE: Problems calling Axis service from .NET C# client

2002-04-03 Thread Vidyanand Murunikkara
Peter I have seen this happen in case of dotnet .. and the reason it fails is because dotnet expects the XML corresponding to the object that it deserializes to have no prefixes .. if all the prefixes are stripped off for the elements in the following part I guess it shld work. http://schemas

RE: How to undeploy an service ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization thanks -Original Message-From: Chris Haddad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:00 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: How to undeploy an service ?   Create an xml file named undeploy.wsdd that contains an undepl

RE: How to undeploy an service ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chris Haddad
Title: Custom Serialization   Create an xml file named undeploy.wsdd that contains an undeployment and service tag.   For example: --- undeploy.wsdd start --     undeployment> --- undeploy.wsdd end –   Where ${servic

Ref: Help!

2002-04-03 Thread Kouider Ammar
 kouider Ammar 303-130 The Parkway  Kingston, ON,  K7M 7B4 Canada    Tel: (613)542-2688 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Hi!   I am new to Axis-Soap. I am using Windows98 and 2000 NT.4. While  deploying the web services ( DEPLOY.BAT ), java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -lhttp://localhost:8

How to undeploy an service ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization Another silly question:   How do I undeploy an published/deployed service ?     Chester  

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization Just try to complete my broken sentences. -Original Message-From: Chester Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 11:39 AMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization Actually, that's the first thing I did. It works fine with .jws approach and produced the WSDL.   I thought, ok. so far so good. Let's try .wsdd file and test another approach.   I simply redeployed the same file (Echo.jws /Echo.java) through .wsdd  ( I also tr

Map type and .NET interoperability

2002-04-03 Thread Cun Yong Tan
Hello, I have an Axis service that have a single method that returns a Map: public class ss { public Map echoMap() { HashMap mapOut = new HashMap(); mapOut.put("key", "value"); return mapOut; } } .NET's wsdl.exe tool is not able to generate a client proxy from the WSDL for thi

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Title: Custom Serialization Hmm...mine seems to work fine.  Just for grins, try putting one of the .jws files directly into the axis directory and see if that will bring up the wsdl.  Without a stack trace, I'm grasping at straws.  J   Newman   -Original Message- From: Cheste

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization Nothing is silly. I am glad someone answer my questions. Here is one of service. others similar to this. No stack trace.   No stack trace on Server console as well (I am using Weblogic 6.1 sp2)   /axis/services/EchoService Hi there, this is an AXIS service!Perha

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Title: Custom Serialization Silly question but if you put http://:/axis/services/ in your browser minus the ?wsdl does it come up with the 'this is an axis service' message?   That, and does it print out a stack trace?  If so, could you post it?   Newman -Original Message-

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someon e he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization Yes, you are right, The installation guide does give clear instruction, I was not expecting to look for deployment instruction in Installation (as I thought it's for install axis soap server, not deploy services)   Anyway, Can you kindly give me some pointer to my

RE: Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someone he lp ?

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
Title: Custom Serialization The User Guide doesn't give good examples of a command line for deploying, but the installation guide does. -Original Message-From: Chester Chen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:46 PMTo: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'Subject: Basic

setting target namespace in .jws

2002-04-03 Thread David Crowley
When a java class is installed as a .jws, is there a way to set the target namespace when converting it to WSDL? I am thinking of something like this: class Calculator { public static final String targetNamespace = "http://foo.org/calculator";; public int add(int a, int b) {r

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
No problem.  It works, that's the main thing.  J   Newman   -Original Message- From: Walden Mathews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 1:55 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Compiler found in classpath   THis just in.  I was wrong, it doesn't work with x

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
THis just in.  I was wrong, it doesn't work with xerses and without crimson and cocoon. (Crimson was sitting there still)  Moreover, Tomcat doesn't like life without parser.jar, so I'm putting that back and going with crimson.  Life's tough, but I gotta move on to other things.  Thanks fo

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Everything should work.  It's cause tomcat loads classes alphabetically, and parser.jar was loading xerces 1.2 instead of 1.4.4 (1.2 is dom1), so therefore incompatible with tomcat.  If you just renamed parser.jar to z_parser.jar it should be okay.  Just so long as it loads after xerces.ja

Basic Question: geting WSDL from deployed service, can someone help ?

2002-04-03 Thread Chester Chen
Title: Custom Serialization First, I like to share some comments with deployment descriptors   I finally got my service deployed through .wsdd file. The documentation is really unclear  and I have to read  the AdminClient.java's code to figure out what's required.  It turns out that I nee

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
Yes, with parser.jar (cocoon) removed, the xerces jars work.  But I wonder what else just broke (!). -Original Message-From: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 1:36 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: Compiler found in classpath Ar

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Are you using cocoon on this server as well? (look for a jar called parser.jar in tomcat/common/lib, if it's there, rename it to z_parser.jar)   -Original Message- From: Walden Mathews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 1:30 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE:

RE: axis compatible with IIS

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
It's very simple to install and run. The reason I said to do it on a test machine is so your ports don't conflict and shut down IIS. It's a tiny install, not a big deal at all. -Original Message- From: patrick de Torcy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 2:30 PM To: [EMAIL

Custom Serialization

2002-04-03 Thread Erie Ed
Title: Custom Serialization I was wondering if anyone could help me with a deserialization problem. The soap fault  I recieve is the following: http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"

axis compatible with IIS

2002-04-03 Thread patrick de Torcy
Does anybody know if it's possible to use axis (beta 1) with Tomcat 3.2 under IIS (version 4 sp 4) ? I got an unexplicit internal error (see my previous post). Tomcat works well for our jsp (1.1) pages. To install an Apache Server to see if it's IIS the problem, seems a little tedious to me (I've

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
 Precisely the ones I reported below for Client and Server.   In other words, it looks as if there's no XML parser.    WHM -Original Message-From: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 12:45 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE:

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
Precisely the ones I reported below for Client and Server.   WHM -Original Message-From: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 12:45 PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: RE: Compiler found in classpath I'm using xerces2 1.4.4 and it seems

RE: XSD from XML instance.... Any ideas???

2002-04-03 Thread seidhi Help
Hi Mark, Thanks for the Info. Really appreciate the pointer... I shall give it a shot... Cheers!! S. --- "Volkmann, Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > You can do this from the XML Spy GUI ... a > commercial product. > This won't help though if you're looking for a way > to generate the schema in

RE: XSD from XML instance.... Any ideas???

2002-04-03 Thread Volkmann, Mark
Title: RE: XSD from XML instance Any ideas??? You can do this from the XML Spy GUI ... a commercial product. This won't help though if you're looking for a way to generate the schema in batch mode. > -Original Message- > From: seidhi Help [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednes

Running Axis example code

2002-04-03 Thread Francis, Lee
I have tomcat-4.0.3 installed along with axis, this is running on a Sun Solaris box. When I try and run the example code (Stock) : java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -lhttp://localhost:8089/axis/services/AdminService deploy.wsdd I get the following error : - Processing file /usr/xml-axis-

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
I'm using xerces2 1.4.4 and it seems to work fine.  What is the error you're getting?   Newman   -Original Message- From: Walden Mathews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 12:31 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Compiler found in classpath   May be a s

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
May be a silly question, but it was the right one.  Thanks.  When I switched Tomcats I forgot this detail.  But I found another issue, too.  It doesn't work with Xerces 2 jars, but it does work with Crimson.   WHM -Original Message-From: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

RE: returning a resultset

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Ah, I see.  No big deal.  Thanks for the answer. Newman   -Original Message- From: Walden Mathews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 11:55 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: returning a resultset   A ResultSet contains a connection so that you can update t

XSD from XML instance.... Any ideas???

2002-04-03 Thread seidhi Help
Hi, Can anyone help me with some information about generating XSD [schema definitions] from a set of XML instances. Is it possible via AXIS or the old SOAP libraries...??? There is a utility in the .NET framework that can do this. It is called XSD.exe and can generate XSD for an XML file. I would

RE: returning a resultset

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
A ResultSet contains a connection so that you can update the database through it. That connection makes the RS "not serializable", so it's illegal to send it across the net no matter what protocol you use. -Original Message-From: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: W

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
This may be a silly question, but do you have the axis jar files in tomcat's common/lib directory (along with xerces.jar)?   Newman   -Original Message- From: Walden Mathews [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 11:43 AM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject: RE: Compiler

RE: Re[1] internal error

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Hmmm.perhaps it's because it's using IIS instead of the apache http server? I only say this because of the org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke Exception. I use the apache http server and it works fine for me. If you can, try putting apache http on a test machine and see if it wo

RE: Compiler found in classpath

2002-04-03 Thread Walden Mathews
Okay, still working on this.  I've discovered that I can't control Tomcat classpath when I run Tomcat embedded in JBoss.  If anyone knows how to do that, I'd be glad to know also, but in the meantime I'm testing with standalone Tomcat.  Classpath is now correctly set to include tools.jar.

Re[1] internal error

2002-04-03 Thread patrick de Torcy
I've tried that too, but with no success (actually, I copied HelloServer.jws almost everywhere !!) > De : "Newman, Scott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > Date : 03/04/2002 17:23:33 > > Put HelloServer.jws directly in the axis folder, not in axis\web-inf\classes > > Newman > > -Original Message- > F

RE: internal error

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Put HelloServer.jws directly in the axis folder, not in axis\web-inf\classes Newman -Original Message- From: patrick de Torcy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 03 April, 2002 12:19 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: internal error I've installed Axis beta1 with Tomcat 3.2 under IIS 4. I

internal error

2002-04-03 Thread patrick de Torcy
I've installed Axis beta1 with Tomcat 3.2 under IIS 4. I carefully read the Axis installation guide but when I try to call my own Web Service I got the following error : Internal at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke (Unknown Source) at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy

Running Axis example code

2002-04-03 Thread Francis, Lee
When I try and run the example code (Stock) : java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -lhttp://localhost:8089/axis/services/AdminService deploy.wsdd I get the following error : - Processing file /usr/xml-axis-beta1/samples/stock/deploy.wsdd - AxisFault: AxisFault faultCode: http://xml.apache

Type Mappings

2002-04-03 Thread Roman Brückner
Did somebody find out which type mappings AXIS does support by default, I know that it supports all basic Java types but what about the classes in java.util ,  which of them are supported? Roman   -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Newman, Scott [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Gesendet:

Customer serializer/deserializer

2002-04-03 Thread David Turner
Has anyone created a customer serializer/deserializer and gotten it to work? I used the samples/encoding as a template, but changed the public field members in Data.java to private, but this causes a NoSuchFieldException during deserialization because the Class.getFields method is used when regis

returning a resultset

2002-04-03 Thread Newman, Scott
Hi all   I just want to know if it is possible to return a resultset from a web service.  I'm trying it now, but I keep coming up with:   java.io.IOException: No serializer found for class sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcResultSet in registry org.apache.axis.encoding.SerializationContextImpl@3d09

Re: Collection serializer ??

2002-04-03 Thread Ramzy
Glen Daniels wrote: >Hi Lene: > >Axis knows natively how to serialize Lists, so Vectors, ArrayLists, etc. will all >serialize to SOAP arrays right out of the box. In looking at the Collection class, I >see no reason we couldn't serialize an arbitrary Collection. I had been under the >impress

RE: Fault Handling

2002-04-03 Thread Barbara Noble
Chris, I do not throw the Axis Fault, I throw my own exception. It gets 'wrapped' in the Axis Fault. I can get the message out of the Axis Fault through the fault code and fault message accessors. That is what I am doing now... On the client side, I have to catch a Axis Fault. I would prefer

Re: Document style service with two methods

2002-04-03 Thread Stan Jordan
Hi Ramon... Thanks much for the info. I was thinking of putting this in the client: call.setOperationName("methodA"); But it sounds like you did not do this. Right? Thanks again. Stan - Original Message - From: "Ramon Turnes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: We

Re: Attachment / Errors

2002-04-03 Thread M. en C. Jesús Sosa Iglesias
Stefan: Can you explain me what did you do in the attachdeploy.wsdl file ? I had the same throuble you had in the attachment example Thanks... Stefan Taubenberger wrote: > Hello, > > Got it !!! > The typemapping from the attachdeploy.wsdd was not correctly deployed at > my axis server. > > Gr

RE: Document style service with two methods

2002-04-03 Thread Ramon Turnes
Hi to both, well, actually I had figured out how to do it by taking a look at the source code. Let's suppose this is my message service with two methods: public class MyService { Document methodA(Document xml) { ... } Document methodB(Document xml) { ... } } 1. In the WSDD de

RE: Fault Handling

2002-04-03 Thread Benazech Cédric
Do you know if 'custom faults' will be implemented in the final release ? Cédric -Message d'origine- De : Chris Haddad [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Envoyé : mardi 2 avril 2002 21:40 À : [EMAIL PROTECTED] Objet : RE: Fault Handling Barbara - The Axis framework currently does not map cu

RE: Even dirt simple array interoperability won't work...ideas?

2002-04-03 Thread Thomas Börkel
HI!   I am using "real" arrays (not ArrayList) and this works together with a .NET client.   Regards, Thomas -Original Message-From: Edward Gemar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Mittwoch, 3. April 2002 01:13To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Even dirt simple array interoperabili