Re: How to install your own handler?

2002-04-24 Thread Jean-Marc Taillant
Hi, see follow: - Original Message - From: "Mukherjee, Pratip" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 10:06 PM Subject: How to install your own handler? > Hi, > Is there a document describing how to install your own handler

Basic Authorization: Password is ignored.

2002-04-24 Thread Daniel Chisholm
I would like to use Basic Authorization with Axis beta 1 running on Tomcat 4.0.3. My operating system is Windows 2000. I have a service that just echoes a string back to the client. If I point a browser at the service, I will be asked for a User ID and Password, so it appears that Tomcat under

wsdl2java client string array problem

2002-04-24 Thread Alan Moore
All, I am having trouble using the wsdl2java tool to create client side code for a gsoap-based server. I can't seem to get wsdl2java to generate array handling code from the wsdl file created by the gsoap tools. What happens is that wsdl2java creates an empty class that implements Serializable,

RE: Attachment / Errors

2002-04-24 Thread Peake, Chris
I ran into this problem as well and want to just document more fully the problem so no one else has to figure it out. Below is the way the result of the of deployement appears in server-config.wsdd: Notice the typeMapping is 'outside' of the service description. The client will fail with the error

Exception in parsing xsi types with a Body only Message style service in axis Beta1

2002-04-24 Thread Pratik Datta
I have created a message style service, in which I have implemented the function public Document processRequest(MessageContext msgContext, Document inputDoc) It all works fine, unless I have xsi:type in the document. In that case it says undeclared prefix "xsi". I did some digging arou

How to install your own handler?

2002-04-24 Thread Mukherjee, Pratip
Hi, Is there a document describing how to install your own handler on the server side? I like to install a handler on the server to intercept incoming message, look at the soap header for some signature and send soap fault response if not present. Any pointer will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Error when deserializing an object in the header with getValueAsType

2002-04-24 Thread Antoine Martin
Hi, I implemented an handler to read an object in the soap header. The object sent in the header is present as a in the deployment file. I get an "argument type mismatch" in the processing of the request, not while decoding the header object itself (it gets created). When I don't use getValueA

RE: Same method names, different parameters

2002-04-24 Thread St-Germain, Sylvain
You need to match your operation to your portType using the name attribute so Axis can figure the mapping: Have a look a the attached wsdl. Sylvain. -Original Message- From: Lasker, Kory [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 1:19 PM To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' Subject:

Re: TCPMonitor (Beta1) anomalies

2002-04-24 Thread Ivan Filippenko
Hi, Well, I got the 04-22 nightly build on Monday morning, and it doesn't solve the TCPMonitor Socket problems, although I've been able to reclassify the business about requests and responses being concatenated to previous ones as "user error" on my part -- failure to notice that these were in th

Same method names, different parameters

2002-04-24 Thread Lasker, Kory
I have a WSDL that I give WSDL2Java from beta1 to generate client stubs. Unfortunately, the code it generates cannot be compiled without manual editing by myself because duplicate function calls are generated. The web service itself has two methods named getRawAddressData(String tn) and get

This Axis server is not currently accepting requests.

2002-04-24 Thread Rishi Kulkarni
Title: RE: Questions I get the error "This Axis server is not currently accepting requests."  after executing the following code:       package samples.userguide.example1;   import org.apache.axis.client.Call;import org.apache.axis.client.Service;   import javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QNam

RE: Questions????

2002-04-24 Thread Volkmann, Mark
Title: RE: Questions > -Original Message- > From: Patricia Doyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 11:37 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Questions > > > Is it required in axis to name implementation class to be: > MyServiceSoapBindingImpl.jav

using axis in applet

2002-04-24 Thread Tim Joyce
I am having terrible trouble getting axis to work from within an applet. The problem is that the commons-logging won't initialise a logging class (due to a security exception). So I have fixed this, but am still hitting security problems with any logging interface i try. has anyone solved this?

is xmlns REALLY required?

2002-04-24 Thread Mitch Shue
I guess I should have come to this mailing list first before opening a bug. Would appreciate any constructive comments on this issue.

RE: AdminClient problems..!?

2002-04-24 Thread Chris Haddad
Rikard - The -p option to administer Axis on an alternative port does work with AdminClient if the webapp is up and running. java org.apache.axis.client.AdminClient -p 7001 deploy.wsd And Yes, you can write a client application in any language you desire and still execute the server app implem


2002-04-24 Thread Patricia Doyle
Is it required in axis to name implementation class to be: ? Can it be something other than that, if yes how??? As I have a set of java classes which I want to use as a web service and I don't want to change java classes name. Another question is it required to use

AdminClient problems..!?

2002-04-24 Thread rikard . lindstrom
Hi, I´ve noticed that when you try to deploy a wsdd file to weblogic 6.1 with the AdminClient, it fails! It will automatically look if a server is running on port 8080 as default, is that true? Well, weblogic server is located on port 7001 as default. Is it possible to add a parameter or somethin

RE: BEA 7.0 Beta and Apache AXIS

2002-04-24 Thread Volkmann, Mark
Title: RE: BEA 7.0 Beta and Apache AXIS I was referring to the web service support in WebLogic 6. I didn't realize it had changed in WebLogic 7. > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 2:24 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTE

RE: Not able unsubscribe from

2002-04-24 Thread Walden Mathews
With these mail list servers, the initial response to your "unsubscribe" is a confirmation message which you must return to complete the transaction. Are you returning it? > -Original Message- > From: Kamlesh Anvekar [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 4:50 PM > To

RE: BEA 7.0 Beta and Apache AXIS

2002-04-24 Thread Adam.Leggett
I looked at WebLogic Workshop last week and found that: 1) It cant handle multirefs 2) the .jws are not portable, and the use of custom javadoc tags is a mistake I thing - better to declare in a config file surely? 3) It does not appear to have any concept of Handler Chains a la Axis and JAX-RPC

unable to publish service through proxy

2002-04-24 Thread Brajesh De
Title: unable to publish service through proxy Hi We are trying to publish our service in ibm uddi test registry using wstk service registry api We have to cross the corporate firewall/proxy  in order to publish.We are using the following options at command prompt  -Dhttp.proxyHost=proxyn

UndeclaredThrowableException and complex types.

2002-04-24 Thread Robbert Dam
Hi all, This is the situation. I have method send() defined as follows: public Boolean sendSimple(String message, String rec); public boolean send(SMSMessageText smsMessage, Recipient rec); The first method works fine. When I call the second method, a RemoteException is being throwed (on clie

RE: BEA 7.0 Beta and Apache AXIS

2002-04-24 Thread tor . erik . kvisle
Hi ! If you by force, means that it aint possible to create web services with "ordinary" java classes in web logic 7.0, that's not quite correct. I have made a really stupid Java class and published it as a web service. It was pretty straightforward. I haven't tried to develop a more complex cl