Re: Streaming RPC calls

2002-09-22 Thread Martin Jericho
Hi Graham   Thanks for your interest.  I have included some source files to show you how I did the streaming.  It's not a complete set so it doesn't compile, but it should give you an idea how the client side works at least.  (Sorry for posting an attachment everyone!  It's only 10K)   The o

Re: SOAP messaging

2002-09-22 Thread Gregor Kovaè
Hi! Ok, I figured this out myself, but as I stated in my another mail, calling getContent() on SOAPPArt of SOAPMessage always returns null, even with Axis 1.0RC1 so this is pretty useless. Or do you know a way how to get a String / org.w3c.dom.Document out of SOAPBody not using any Axis' speci

Re: Unable to create JavaBean of type... maybe a name space problem

2002-09-22 Thread Gregor Kovaè
Hi! As the exception says the bean must have a default constructor and set/get methods for fields if you want to use the BeanSerializer, otherwie you can write your own serialider/deserializer. Best regards, Kovi At 02:39 23.9.2002 +0200, you wrote: >Hi, all. > >my client throws a SA

RE: Streaming RPC calls

2002-09-22 Thread graham glass
hi martin,   out of interest, how would you write an interceptor to process inputs and outputs during the streaming process? one advantage of having a DOM represention is that it's easy to manipulate during inbound/outbound messaging using tools like xalan. would you provide some kind

Streaming RPC calls

2002-09-22 Thread Martin Jericho
I have implemented a special class which allows streaming of complex bean types in an RPC call, but have found that AXIS stores the whole message in memory before sending / deserializing it anyway, which defeats the whole purpose of what I am trying to do.   The first problem is that AXIS doe

Re: SOAP messaging

2002-09-22 Thread Sharmin Choksey
Axis supports both, JAX-RPC and JAXM -sharmin. >Mailing-List: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm >list-help: >list-unsubscribe: >list-post: >Delivered-To: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] >Date: Fri, 20 Sep 2002

Unable to create JavaBean of type... maybe a name space problem

2002-09-22 Thread Yu Chen
Hi, all. my client throws a SAXException as bellow: org.xml.sax.SAXException: Unable to create JavaBean of type Missing default constructor? Error was: java.lang.InstantiationException:

Re: Simple query about using primitive datatypes

2002-09-22 Thread Harish Prabandham
No, But it should not matter. Since web services could be called from languages other than Java, so, on the contrary, I would try to stay away from Java's wrappers on the primitive types. This perhaps could make it easier for other tools generating client code from the wsdl description of

Re: Simple query about using primitive datatypes

2002-09-22 Thread James Black
Amit Garg wrote: >Simple question: Is it recommended to always use Object types (like >Integer) as opposed to primitive types (like int) when building web >services? > I prefer to use int, personally, but I don't believe it really matters. I like to use primitive types in my beans as much as

Projects using Web services wanted

2002-09-22 Thread Tom Zschaage
Hello all, I'm playing around with Axis since beta 2. Yesterday I was wondering if it is used for some commerce projects. Or if there are any commerce projects using Web services at all or if it is just another playground for programmers. So if anybody knows some "big" projects I would appreciate