Title: Another EJB Question
Hopefully a quick one.. I am correct in assuming that if I have expsoed a stateless session bean through axis, then the client only needs to call the method that I require of the e.g. getXML. They do not need to worry about using create etc, as this is handled
Title: Sorry if u have already answered this, but my mail went down and i've lost all yesterdays emails
I'm trying to expose an Stateless EJB as a Web Service with the following XSDD, it deploys okay, but I the generated WSDL file does not show the methods for the service. Does anyone have an
Title: EJB Provider
I'm trying to usethe EJB Provider to expose a Stateless Session Bean as a Web Service.
My deploy.wsdd is as follows:-
http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/" xmlns:java="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/providers/java">