RE: Programmatic deployment of services

2003-06-19 Thread Alan Moore
try this (ant script): I don't know if this requires axis to be restarted but at least it doesn't require it to be running when you deploy. alan -Original Message- From: Steve Pannier [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, June 19, 2003 2:26 PM To: [EMAIL P

RE: REPOST5 PLEASE HELP! WSDL2Java generates uncompilable code

2002-10-30 Thread Alan Moore
I found that the best way to get a problem fixed is to: 1) search the archives for prior discussion/fix/workaround 2) search bugzilla for a duplicate bug 3) submit a bugzilla for your problem including a small test case the reproduces the problem (your WSDL, for example.) Good luck! alan -O

RE: Session question

2002-10-23 Thread Alan Moore
FYI: If your service is marked for session scope, you don't need to store your data in the session itself. You can store it in your service class as a member variable. This reduces your dependency on accessing the Session object via an Axis-specific api (e.g. getCurrentContext()) Since your servi

RE: Session scope and threaded request?

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Moore
nstance = instanceCount; > } > } > > public int getMyInstance() > { > synchronized ( lock ) > { >return myInstance; > } > } > } > > -- > Rajal > > > -Original Message- > From: Alan Moore [mai

RE: Session scope and threaded request?

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Moore
There is likely to be an example in the samples and I know there is a unit test for session. In addition, there was a defect in Axis session handling and I provided a client and server that reproduced the problem. This can be found as an attachment here:

RE: Serializer/Deserializer

2002-09-18 Thread Alan Moore
You might try creating a custom de/serializer that creates a byte buffer from your existing RMI service objects (using standard java serialization.) Then repackage the byte buffer into a soap compatible data type (?) and send that to the client for rehydration back into your java objects. Seems l

RE: Session scope and threaded request?

2002-09-17 Thread Alan Moore
AFAIK the behavior is what you would expect from the corresponding servlet session/app behavior. alan > -Original Message- > From: Rajal Shah [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, September 17, 2002 4:18 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Session scope and threaded request? > >

RE: returning arrays of beans

2002-07-17 Thread Alan Moore
We have an axis service that returns arrays of beans that include null array element values and it does work. FYI: This may not be related to your problem but our axis client is setting the org.apache.axis.AxisEngine.PROP_DOMULTIREFS property to false like so: stub._setProperty( org.apache.axis.

RE: Installation problem: Unable to perform step 5

2002-07-02 Thread Alan Moore
All of what you have shown looks fine. What were you expecting? Did you deploy a service that isn't listed? alan > -Original Message- > From: Supriyo Chatterjea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Tuesday, July 02, 2002 7:21 AM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Installation problem: Una

RE: Streaming RPC calls?

2002-06-26 Thread Alan Moore
Use attachments to send/receive your data. There is a simple example in axis that does this. alan > -Original Message- > From: Martin Jericho [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2002 4:53 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Subject: Streaming RPC calls? > > > I need to impl

RE: Axis on Linux Test

2002-05-24 Thread Alan Moore
Yes, I had the same problem. Here is the response it got to my post: >Are you sure you are using the beta2 jars? There is no reference in the >latest AXIS codebase to PARAM_MODE_IN. > >ParameterMode is a JAX-RPC-defined class. Before version 0.8 the spec said >ParameterMode.PARAM_MODE_IN. In

RE: WSDL2JAVA problem

2002-05-21 Thread Alan Moore
I didn't use the ant task but instead used the task. It has a fork option that I found was required in order to get things to work properly (someone else might be able to explain why...) Here is my WSDL2Java build steps (one for server-side, one for the client):

RE: Problem Deploying Service via wsdd & AdminClient (NoSuchMethodError)

2002-05-17 Thread Alan Moore
idn't work because it doesn't use JAVA_ENDORSED_DIRS but I assume it has something to do the the order of class loading/resolution - go figure... Hope this helps. alan > -Original Message- > From: Rogério Ferreira [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, May 17, 2

RE: Axis performance

2002-05-17 Thread Alan Moore
Another place to look for performance bottlenecks is in the underlying transport (HTTP). For example, the socket "linger" setting (SO_LINGER) and whether or not persistent connections are being used. Since Tomcat is handling the server side of the connection(s), that should already be highly opti

RE: How to control the Call object in code generated by WSDL2Java ?

2002-05-10 Thread Alan Moore
tProperty() function is the right way to do this. > > -- > Tom Jordahl > Macromedia > > > -Original Message- > From: Alan Moore [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 3:06 PM > To: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]' > Subject: RE: How to control th

RE: How to control the Call object in code generated by WSDL2Java?

2002-05-10 Thread Alan Moore
Run WSDL2Java with no parameters and you will see --user --password options are available. I haven't used these options but I think that the user and password will be embedded directly into the client side generated code for Another option may be to use: yourStub._setPropert

Problem Deploying Service via wsdd & AdminClient (NoSuchMethodError)

2002-05-09 Thread Alan Moore
a.core.StandardWrapperValve.invoke(StandardWrapperValve.ja va:243) ...snip... at org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpProcessor.process( 1012) at ) at

RE: Attachement Error!!

2002-05-02 Thread Alan Moore
*and* -- the suspense is killing me... What was the error? My guess is that you didn't register the DataHandler Deserializer in your wsdd - no? alan > -Original Message- > From: Patricia Doyle [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] > Sent: Thursday, May 02, 2002 1:02 PM > To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] > Su

WSDL2Java generates incorrect field reference (beta 2)

2002-04-30 Thread Alan Moore
After running WSDL2Java (beta2) against my wsdl file, the generated code contains references to a non-existent field: javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.PARAM_MODE_IN I think this should be: javax.xml.rpc.ParameterMode.IN since the ParameterMode class in the xmlrpc.jar distributed with Axis beta2 has

RE: are all return values strings?

2002-04-26 Thread Alan Moore
Jonathan, No, you are not restricted to strings for return values. You *are* restricted to types that have associated serializers. You can: 1) Use the built-in (de)serializers (e.g. for strings, booleans, arrays, etc.) 2) Use the WSDL2Java tool to generate server/client side code 3) Write your o

RE: RPC extra information

2002-04-25 Thread Alan Moore
I may be way off the point here but you might try taking a look at: samples/security/serversecuritydeploy.swdd I believe this is an example of using handlers configured via the wsdd to intercept the request on the server side. Good luck! alan > -Original Message- > From: [EMAIL PROTEC

wsdl2java client string array problem

2002-04-24 Thread Alan Moore
ate client side code to retrieve a string array from a SOAP server? alan Alan Moore - mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Ciphergen Biosystems - test.wsdl Description: Binary data Description: Binary data