Re: Have doubts about Doc/Lit with axis

2004-04-26 Thread Dario Di Minno
I had problems too, but I solved them with the help of the "SOA Editor", a wsdl editor and validator that you can download for free at because it returned some warnings in my "not-so-perfect" wsdl files!! so I used it to fix my wsdl files. Try it! Dario [EMAIL PROTECTED] h

delete an attachment after service invocation

2004-04-16 Thread Dario Di Minno
I followed the instructions in the document "Fear of attachments" to write a client that sends an attachment. DataHandler dh = new DataHandler( new URL("file:///"+filename) ); server.addAttachment(dh); After the invocation of the service I'd like the client to delete the file at

which languages do support doc/lit style?

2004-04-15 Thread Dario Di Minno
I developed a web service in doc/lit style using axis/java. Which other languages (Perl, Flash, ...) do support doc/lit style so that you can write a client for my web service? I use attachments too. Thank you. Dario

Re: InterServlet -> Axis communication

2004-04-08 Thread Dario Di Minno
[EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: Hi, I have a servlet which adds an object to an attribute in it's servlet context in Tomcat. How can I access that context from a service in the Axis Servlet? When I check the Axis servlet context attributes using: (context is the current MessageContext) javax.servlet

maximum size of a document for a doc/lit ws

2004-04-05 Thread Dario Di Minno
Hi axis users, have you got an idea of how much can be big in MB a document transported in a message of a doc/lit web service? I'd like to know it because I have to decide if a web service has to transport data as attachment or not. (When I tried message style web services I experienced many "o

how to accept only https connections?

2004-03-25 Thread Dario Di Minno
I deployed a web service with axis 1.1 on tomcat 4.1 Now I'm experimenting https connections: I used keytool utility in this way: keytool -genkey -alias tomcat -keyalg RSA then I changed the URL of invocation of the ws, and it works. The problem is that now my web service works both with and with

Re: doc/lit web service works, ?wsdl doesn't

2004-03-24 Thread Dario Di Minno
Thanks for the reply Li, but the problem is not a firewall because I'm working on localhost! And for web services in rpc style I get the automatically generated wsdl. The problem is present with this doc/lit web service. Note: I've also tryed to generate the WSDL with the utility Java2WSDL a

doc/lit web service works, ?wsdl doesn't

2004-03-24 Thread Dario Di Minno
I wrote the wsdl included in this mail; then WSDL2Java produced for me the java files and the .wsdd files; so I deployed the service; it works, but I can't get the automatically generated wsdl appending ?wsdl to the url of the service; I get a 500 error instead. Can someone help me? (all works fi

Re: wsdl spec examples - do they work?

2004-03-24 Thread Dario Di Minno
Hi Nitin, as I can see from your output, there are some unwanted spare '>' characters, like in "{http://localhost:8080/jboost/stockquote.xsd}>TradePriceRequest", with... To eliminate this problem, you have to clean up the files produced by WSDL2Java from these '>'; then compile java files,

axis doesn't generate wsdl automatically

2004-03-23 Thread Dario Di Minno
I wrote a doc/lit web service, I deployed it, but appending "?wsdl" to the url of the service I can't get the wsdl; I get a HTTP 500 error instead. I've read that someone puts the wsdl file in the filesystem, but I'd like axis to build it when I ask to do so. Can you help me? Dario

Which style for synchronous web services

2004-03-22 Thread Dario Di Minno
Hi axis users, I know that "document style" is better than "rpc style" for many reasons, but if a want to write a web service where the client waits for the response from the server, and so I have a "synchronous" scenario, is rpc style ever the best choice? Thanks. Dario

Re: AW: declare attachment in wsdl

2004-03-18 Thread Dario Di Minno
Axis developers have solved the problem about mime type mapping! (because I told'em to do so! ;) ) Dario Dario Di Minno ha scritto: Thanks for the link, it has been very useful for me. The wsdl example reports two different mime types for attachment, image/jpeg and application/octet-s

Re: AW: declare attachment in wsdl

2004-03-18 Thread Dario Di Minno
start. Good luck, and I would appreciate if you let me know when you get it to work. Thomas -Ursprüngliche Nachricht- Von: Dario Di [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Gesendet: Donnerstag, 18. März 2004 08:55 An: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Betreff: declare attachment in wsdl Hi axis users, I'

declare attachment in wsdl

2004-03-17 Thread Dario Di
Hi axis users, I'd like to know if is there a way to declare in the wsdl that a client of a ws has to send an attachment as a parameter of the message, so that when I use WSDL2Java I can use the portType in this way: result = port.myMethod(dh, ); where dh is a DataHandler or some other way to ref

Re: Hybrid RPC/Message style service

2004-03-17 Thread Dario Di
To combine the rpc and the message style, why don't you use the rpc style adding an xml document as attachment? --- Jason Calabrese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto: > Hi everyone, > > Is there anyway combine the rpc and message styles? > > What I would like is to have a method signature > someth

Re: message style web service with attachment

2004-03-16 Thread Dario Di Minno
maybe the way is to use in client call.addAttachmentPart(ap); (where ap is an org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentPart object) before invoking the web service? Dario Dario Di ha scritto: Hi everybody, I'd like the client of a message style web service (like the "message" e

message style web service with attachment

2004-03-16 Thread Dario Di
Hi everybody, I'd like the client of a message style web service (like the "message" example) to send an xml and an attachment to the service. What should I add to the server-config.wsdd? How can the client attach the files? What should be the signature of the echoElements method? Thank