Re: ?wsdl generates a blank screen for axis sample, please help

2004-08-30 Thread Frederic Jean
service. I click the link from the index.html to generate the wsdl and I get a blank screen. The Axis Happiness Page works great but I just cannot generate the wsdl. Does anyone know where I've went wrong? thanks, Donna -- Frederic Jean Member Technical Staff, Sof

Re: Strange remoteIP in MesssageContext on SLES 9.0

2004-08-10 Thread Frederic Jean
terprise Linux 3.0, the remoteIP in the MessageContext is which looks right. Any ideas on what the reason could be for this strange remoteIP address in SLES 9.0? More generally, why might local deploys perceived as remote on SLES 9.0? Thanks, Rupam -- Fr

Re: Axis Fault

2004-08-09 Thread Frederic Jean In Axis Fault -- Frederic Jean Member Technical Staff, Software Sun Services Engineering - Intellectual Capital Engineering Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone: 303-223-6187 / x69565 Pager: 888-354-6183 / [EMAIL PROTECTED] Jabber ID: [EMAIL