I had exactly the same problem. To fix it add elementFormDefault="qualified"
to the schema element in your wsdl, and then rerun wsdl2java.
On Friday 07 May 2004 6:38 am, Satrusalya, Prassana wrote:
> In my response axis sends back the response the following way. Notice the '
> xmlns="" ' . .NET
You just need to create a WEB-INF/server-config.wsdd. I just renamed the
generated deploy.wsdd and put it in WEB-INF.
On Tuesday 27 April 2004 2:56 am, Kevin Pearcey wrote:
> Ewww... Surely there has to be a better approach than this?
> I need an approach where I can run our build system and g
from the user guide (http://ws.apache.org/axis/java/user-guide.html):
(The tag is really just shorthand for a tag with
deserializer="org.apache.axis.encoding.ser.BeanDeserializerFactory", and
On Thursday 18 March 2004 7:31 am, Anne Thomas Manes wrote:
> Better yet -- used doc/lit with the "wrapped" style.
> At 02:33 AM 3/18/2004, you wrote:
> >To combine the rpc and the message style, why don't
> >you use the rpc style adding an xml document
get lower level access
to the response so that I can skip the marshal/unmarshal/serialize steps.
On Wednesday 17 March 2004 11:50 pm, Dario Di wrote:
> To combine the rpc and the message style, why don't
> you use the rpc style adding an xml document as
> attachment?
Hi everyone,
Is there anyway combine the rpc and message styles?
What I would like is to have a method signature something like this:
Document doSomething(CustomRequest req);
I will be using the data in the CustomRequest to interface with an existing
application that returns a DOM document and