I have a problem with complex data types using the
Axis server with a client written in Delphi.  Both
sides are generated from the same WSDL file.

Here is an example type from my WSDL file:

<xsd:complexType name="Logs">
    <xsd:element name="LogEntry" type="xsd:string"

Both the server and the client create a data structure
to hold an array of strings.  However, when I try to
access the service, I get this error:
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type
mismatch on object &quot;TestServiceSkeleton&quot;,
method name &quot;logDump&quot;, tried argument types:
 java.lang.String, java.lang.String,

I have the same problem when the complex type is a
struct, not an array (simple types work fine).

Everything works without problems when I generate both
the server and the client with WSDL2Java.

Any help would be appreciated.


PS: My return type is also a struct, but it works fine.

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