Re: Axis1.0 and websphere

2002-11-15 Thread Ken Hygh
Assuming both are in the same EAR, try putting this jar in the EAR and referring to it in the manifests of both WARs Ken gautham chitupolu wrote: Hi, I have deployed 2 webapps - one for my application and another Axis1.0. It works fine. I am trying to use the same setup with websphere 4.0 as 2

Re: servlet engines

2002-11-14 Thread Ken Hygh
It works with WebSphere. Ken jimmy coyne wrote: Hi all , Since axis is deployed as a servlet in tomcat , should it work with all j2ee servers like websphere , jrun etc . thanks jim

Re: Cannot deploy AXIS service to WebSphere....

2002-10-16 Thread Ken Hygh
Looks like a mis-match in levels of the XML parser... Ken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > I am getting this error below when deploying my web-service to WebSphere > with AXIS: Any suggestions? > > Below I have the command, error on the client side and error in the > AppServer listed. > > Thanks a


2002-10-03 Thread Ken Hygh
I just submitted a paper to IBM DeveloperWorks about an implementation I've done, doing both raw SMTP as well as polling a POP server, and passing the emails on to Axis. Contact me directly if you need to move fast on this. Ken Jason Essington wrote: > I am also interested in sending soap mes