RE: how to log debug message in Axis

2002-02-15 Thread Koen Weyn
Jianlin, I a logging all messages to a file called axis.log: - Take the file out of axis.jar - Adapt it to look like this (or have a look at the log4j Manual if you want something else) # Set root category priority to ERROR and its only appender to A1. log4j.rootCategory=DEBUG,

RE: Custom deserializer

2002-02-13 Thread Koen Weyn
D] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Custom deserializer The Axis encoding framework has changed. You should update your version of Axis, and make necesary changes to your deserializer. Rich Scheuerle XML & Web Services Development 512-838-5115 (IBM TL 678-5115) &

Custom deserializer

2002-02-12 Thread Koen Weyn
Thanks in advance, Koen services_out2.xml:"; xmlns:xsi=""; xmlns:xsd="";>";> 0 +