Not to be contrary, but clearly, you do not have them all on the
classpath if you are getting this error. :-)
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/11/05 7:45 AM >>>
Thank you all,
I am using JBOSS and I do have all of the jars in the class path
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundErro
Better yet- look at the WSDL2Java batch file, it has all the
dependencies in it.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/11/05 6:05 AM >>>
Marika Ludmann wrote:
> *I am new to Axis and Web services development. I have however done
> web development (JSP, Servlets). I also done some web service
> development i
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 01/02/05 10:35 PM >>>
>Quoting Larry Meadors <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> OK, I am new at this, but want to create a web service that is easy
>> use from both .net and java clients.
>> I took a look at the WSDL, and d
Duh. Here is the WSDL.
>>> Larry Meadors 01/02/05 9:18 PM >>>
OK, I am new at this, but want to create a web service that is easy to
use from both .net and java clients.
I took a look at the WSDL, and do not see anything that looks java
specific, but am afraid that it would
OK, I am new at this, but want to create a web service that is easy to
use from both .net and java clients.
I took a look at the WSDL, and do not see anything that looks java
specific, but am afraid that it would need to bite me on the nose before
I would. :-)
Anyone willing to take a look and ma
Why? If it is using JNDI, it should still be OK, no?
Larry>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 9/29/2004 8:09:42 AM >>>
I'm migrating a servlet over to Axis. The current servlet connects using dbpooling as configured in the server.xml file. How do I change this todeploy it to Axis?
yes. You may want to use a script file to do that.
>>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 09/28/04 10:38 AM >>>
I'm running it from a local server (unix), so would I have to set the
classpath each time I want to run it?
-Original Message-
From: jayachandra [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 28 September 200
Dang, better responses than I expected! Great!
First off, I have to confess that I *have* hacked stuff together using
the JWS mapping, but it was a very short lived experiment because..well,
it sucked.
OK, so to get back on to the right path, what I am hearing consistently
is "Do not start with
OK, I am trying to decide how to implement a webservice, and have a few
I have implemented one from a wsdl that was given to me, so I am OK with
doing that...but now, I need to do another from scratch.
I know I can use java2wsdl to create the wsdl once I create the
interface that I wan
I was given a very simple web service from a vendor that provided
integration services for one of their products. It was built using
I took the WSDL from that web service, generated the web service
skeleton, and then finished the implementation using iBATIS instead.
The average respo
verything to work
Hope this helps
- Peter
-Original Message-
From: Larry Meadors [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, September 10, 2004 8:30 AM
Subject: Unable to deploy typemapping?
Total newbie here, I will confess that up front.
I am trying to deploy a j
Total newbie here, I will confess that up front.
I am trying to deploy a java-based webservice on axis 1.1, but appear to
have something wrong somewhere.
When I run the admin client, I get this message:
Processing file
12 matches
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