The JWSDK have a JAXR Tutorial here:
Axis Help wrote:
I am trying to publish WSDL file to private UDDI registry using JAXR.
Does anybody has any reference or URL or any example which explains
how to do that ?
Has anybo
mplemented by
> and
> on the server side.
> On the client side, it's implemented by
> C.C. Liu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: M. en C. Jesús Sosa Iglesias [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Do you have a implemented Interface (AddressBook) in the file ?
"Liu, C.C" wrote:
> Hi,
> I tried AddressBook in beta1, I generated all java files from
> AddressBook.wsdl by run Wsdl2java,
> compiled and deployed files for server and client on two different m
As you are talking with axis, not tomcat when invoking a service, axis
can´t load classes the same as tomcat.
Axis use the Classpath to find classes, So you have to set up the classpath
before start tomcat :
I put inside Tomcat Bat.
set CLASSPATH=h:\jakarta-tomcat-3.2.3\webaps\axis\web-inf
Can you explain me what did you do in the attachdeploy.wsdl file ?
I had the same throuble you had in the attachment example
Stefan Taubenberger wrote:
> Hello,
> Got it !!!
> The typemapping from the attachdeploy.wsdd was not correctly deployed at
> my axis server.
> Gr
You have to put tools.jar in the classpath before start Tomcat
I had the same throuble with some tomcat old version in W2K.
I included it in the file \jakarta-tomcat-x-x-x\bin\tomcat.bat
and it work fine.
Walden Mathews wrote:
I give up. I'm trying to run the simple jws example (Calcu
I´m trying to run the attachment example too but unsuccesfull
The Client attach and send the File Succesfully to Axis but Axis Fails with
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch on object
"samples.attachments.EchoAttachmentsService", method name