Looking at the code of the SimpleAuthenticationHandler, there is a way
to get a property pointing to the security provider:
SecurityProvider provider =
Is there a way to define this security provider class in the WSDD ? As
an optio
Russel, see my tags. Thanks for the "answers" anyway.
You've got a lot of questions here. I'll try to answer them inline below
between ...
Russell Butek
Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
I am just an Axis user, but it would make sense to have the JBoss team use
Axis as part of the EJB2.1 implementation.
Thanks for the hint. Nerverthelessthis behavior is not the expected oneas
you pointed out yourself.
Quick question related to the skeleton. Since you can pass another
implementation, how can you pass the implementation class to the skeleton ?
(the default being the generated impl).
I hav
I found a solution fixing the generated skeletons:
Instead of proxying to the implementation (The SoapBindingImpl), why not
just extending the SoapBindingImpl ?
I have done it and it works like a charm.
So you would have something like this:
public class MySoapBindingSkeleton extends MyServic
I have noticed some weird behaviors when dealing with the ServiceLifecycle.
On a generated java framework using WSDL2java the class managed by the JavaProvider
class is the SOAPBindingSkeleton. The "real" implementation is in the SOAPBiningImpl.
This is the one implementing the ServiceLifecycle.
I have noticed other inconsistencies with the ServiceLifeCycle
(different than the one I have described in a recent email).
It seems that the init method is not being called in ceratin cases and I
do not know why.
Can someone tell me if the init is always being called when the service
We have succesfully migrated from beta 2 to beta 3. But this was not as
smooth as it should have been, see my comments bellow:
- Our WSDLs contains complex types with some elements defined with a
maxOccurs="unbounded". This is naturally turned into an array by the
WSDL2Java. There are 2 setXXX
Include the saaj.jar in your classpath or in the lib directory under the
WEB-INF dir.
When generating the java framework using the WSDL2Java, the exception class
(derived from fault elements in the WSDL) do not carry the message over.
The following code snippet shows what has been generated, and the second
one shows the same patched exception which carries the message over to the
Disregard my previous email about the WSDL2Java generator, it seems that
my old stub class did not get deleted, keeping the beta2 package
stcuture (which changed to map to the jax-rpc 1.0 spec).
The SoapBindingStub created by the WSDL2Java contains an error on the
QName: the following gets generated:
javax.xml.rpc.namespace.QName qName;
It should be:
javax.xml.namespace.QName qName;
I have upgraded to Axis beta3 and get this exception when trying to validate
the installation:
My Tomcat version is 4.0.3
Thanks for any help
Exception report
messageInternal Server Error
descriptionThe server encountered an internal error (Internal
Server Error) that prevented it from fulfi
In fact I am working on a tool publishing WSDL into a UDDI v2 registry
using JAXR in conjunction with WSDL4J (for the scanning of the WSDL).
I have a working version, which is far from being a production ready, but
you can grab it in sourceforge, the project name is wsdl4reg (original, no
?) ;-)
>>>>> "olivier" == olivier brand &
t;> "olivier" == olivier brand <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
olivier> Axis developers, Following the emails I sent a few days
olivier> ago about Castor. I have implemented a set of
olivier> Serializers/Deseriali
Axis developers,
Following the emails I sent a few days ago about Castor. I have
implemented a set of Serializers/Deserializers for Castor objects.
The advantage with these is a better handling of your XML Schemas
(compared to what WSDL2Java generates), and a validation built in the
Castor fra
Where are your type mappings for the array, Vector, ... ??
Have you registered the service ?
"Hurst, Cyrus"
Does Axis implement the SOAP message with attachments as specified by
the JAX-RPC Specification ? (Chapter 7, p. 60)
I am aware that Axis is handling attachments, but I would like to know
if the integration has been done with the WSDL piece and therefore
through the wsdl2java class ?
>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Br
Has anyone implemented a Cstor Ser./Deser. for Axis ? I have done it for
Apache Soap while ago (which allowed me to pass complex structures), but
Axis is way more complex for implementing your own serializer. Is there any
documentation beside the source code on how to do it ?
I think that t
I am using multiple WSDLs, some operations are "sharing" the same
faults. When generating the Java framework using wsdl2java, the
exceptions are being generated within the package mapped to the wsdl
namespace. It seems that prefixing each exception with another wsdl
namespace does not a
I would like to use a java Map instead of a soap array in my schema, so I
am using a complextType compatible with the MapSerialiser:
I am reviewing in detail the JAX-RPC specification and have acknowledged
the Service Endpoint Model chapter (10).
As I was browsing the source code of Axis, I was not able to see this
interface being used in the org.apache... implementation (it is defined
in the jaxrpc package).
Should the serv
Why bother ?? XML Schemas is well established now, why re-inventing the wheel
I think that many tools are available, schematron is yet another one, making
it easier to write schemas, but writing
a schema is not rocket science, plus many IDE tools such as XML Spy help
you writing and validat
Just to continue on the interesting SUN vs Axis thread. Do you know if
WebLogic 7 JAX-RPC is built on Axis (WebLogic 6.1 was using Apache
SOAP...) ?
Any plan to publish an aplha 4 or beta 1 of Axis in the near future ? It
seems that the nightly builds have fixed a lot of problems since alpha
I believe the role of the Actor attribute is to provide some kind of
proxying capability (The first SOAP server redirects to the URL
specified in the Actor attribute).
If we look at the proxy example in the Axis samples directory, we are
seeing similar functionalities. The author wrote a
I have found a workaround for exception propagation (the message part):
As I have metionned earlier, the faultstring is never get passed correctly.
Here is why:
The generated exception stub using WSDL2Java is JAX-RPC compliant (the message
part name is getting mapped to a get), this is no
Just wondering, is there a way to call local classes through JAXP in
Axis ?? Or should we create a Local implementation of JAXP ?
This would be similar to the EJB Remote vs Local paradigm , especially
when used in a workflow environment (wsil).
Just wondering if it makes sense to use the JAX-RPC DII feature when the
operation is dealing with complex types ?
I believe the DII feature is to avoid manual stub generation. But you
still need to deal with complex types if any.
What do you have to do on the client side (the caller) in order t
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