If the message is returned from the server, you should see the following
string prepended to the message:
"Received problem response from server: ."
See line 123 of GetQuote.java.
When I ran the same program with my tomcat server down, I got a similar
exception: java.net.ConnectExce
Title: RE: New to Axis. Please help
if you type http://localhost:8080/axis/services/somejunkhere.wsdl, you will get the
same 'hi there' message :) Maybe this should be listed as a bug
since it's awfully misleading.
you deploy your service by running the AdminClient? You could fi
looking for it in your tomcat bin dir.
-Original Message-From: jzhao
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 1:41
PMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: exec an
application and write output to a file
Hi there,
I was trying to run a .exe in my web service
Never mind. Found the problem. It didn't like the member named 'A'. Renaming
the data member seems to have solved the problem.
-Original Message-----
From: Pamela Fong [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, June 18, 2002 1:50 PM
I have couple questions regarding object serialization.
1) Is there an easy way to serialize a java HashMap without having to write
my own custom serializer? I only need to pass some key-value pairs as
strings. I guess I can pass them as two string arrays if it's easier.
2) I have a simple Java