axis beginner - simple attachment service

2004-04-13 Thread Stuart Barlow
I am running axis 1.2 beta in tomcat 5.0.19 I have copied the axis webapp from the axis distribution and to get attachments working have copied in activation.jar and mail.jar. When I goto the axis validation URL it states that everything is good and I get the message... The core axis libraries are

Apache Soap to Axis (beginner)

2002-12-16 Thread Shrotriya, Sumit
I am converting some code from Apache Soap to Apache Axis. I want to set two parameters in my service call.. In the soap version of the code it was like this:: //params.addElement(new Parameter("servicename", String.class, varServicename, null)); //params.addElement(new Parameter("input", ja

RE: Axis beginner

2002-05-28 Thread Joe Harrison
Thank you for the information and quick response! -Original Message- From: Heitzso [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:00 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Axis beginner You should spend a half day digging through doc at axis site first. That said, on your

RE: Axis beginner

2002-05-28 Thread Joe Harrison
Thank you for the information and quick response! -Original Message- From: Paul Hunnisett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Tuesday, May 28, 2002 2:02 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: Axis beginner To install tomcat, you simply need to download the zipped file from

Re: Axis beginner

2002-05-28 Thread Paul Hunnisett
To install tomcat, you simply need to download the zipped file from and extract it onto your linux box. Then you simply need to copy the contents of the Axis webapp folder into /webapps You will also need to copy all of the jar files that come with axis (/lib) into /common/lib

Re: Axis beginner

2002-05-28 Thread Heitzso
You should spend a half day digging through doc at axis site first. That said, on your linux system: jdk 1.4.0 tomcat 4.0.3 axis beta 2 (or whatever current is) You'll need to modify the tomcat startup script to include -Djava.endorsed.dirs=point-to-axis-dir/lib an

Axis beginner

2002-05-28 Thread Joe Harrison
I want to develop applications using Visual Studio .net but use Linux with MySQL and Apache Axis (for web services) on the back-end. Prior to this I have been developing web-based applications using PHP, ColdFusion, and MySQL. I know there is already a great deal of documentation on the int