Hi am quite familiar with the web services concept. For the past 3
months I have been working with the official Sun Web services package
(JAXP, JAXM etc etc). Now for the sake of my final year project, I want
to produce a web service related to my project using an alternative
package (other than Sun) . Reading various resources I think that Axis
is my best bet in order to illustrate my solution and my research

 My dilemma is what is the best for (as a newbie in general) , to use
Axis as my server or attach Axis to Tomcat? What is the safest solution?

 I tend to believe that attaching the Axis SOAP proxy to Tomcat is
better! I have to mention that I want to produce a generally simple web
service that will enable users to exchange data (close to ftp). The
protocol and commands are already defined , data are being attached in
segments into SOAP envelopes. The only thing I have to do is to
transform it from a custon socket based server/client solution to a web

Thank you very much for your time!

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