Re: Doc/Literal support in axis / standard SOAP Headers

2004-03-18 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
The definitive source of information for all things happening in the world of XML is Robin Cover's Cover Pages [1]. I also plan to start a blog thread that summariezes all the latest standards/specification efforts -- I just need to find the time to do so. Perhaps this weekend...I'll post a note

Re: Doc/Literal support in axis / standard SOAP Headers

2004-03-18 Thread Nelson Minar
Anne Thomas Manes helpfully writes: >We will solve the security problem in the very near future. >OASIS WSS SOAP Message Security (the standardized version of WS-Security) >should be ratified as a formal OASIS standard by the end of the month. I believe the documents are available here: http://

Re: Doc/Literal support in axis / standard SOAP Headers

2004-03-17 Thread Anne Thomas Manes
Regarding standard SOAP headers: We will solve the security problem in the very near future. OASIS WSS SOAP Message Security (the standardized version of WS-Security) should be ratified as a formal OASIS standard by the end of the month. OASIS WSS defines standard tags for you to put authentica