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Is it possible to use one WSDL/XSD definition for a web service implementation in AXIS 1.1 or 1.2 such that we can de-serialize and serialize request and response payloads from and to 2 different types of clients:

1) Generic XML application clients that send and receive request and response payloads that do not include namespace and does not use WSDL generated client stubs

2) SOAP application clients that does send and receive payloads that include in namespaces.

E.g., can we do this via AXIS Handlers which support custom serialization and de-serialization handlers that can include/exclude namespace in response payloads and also be able to resolve the payload schema even if the payload does not have XSD schema?

If the payload schema component names may not have any name duplications even though their XSD may be defined w/namespaces is it possible to resolve them in AXIS and also make use of the same generated objects for processing response payloads that may or may not have namespaces.

Any example would be useful.



Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - 50x more storage than other providers!
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