
I know this has been asked a million times, but I haven't been able
to find a suitable solution in the list archives. So, I'll ask again...

I have two services running in a cluster of web servers. I have a
load balancer sitting in front of this cluster. All service requests
go through this load balancer.

My client uses WSDL2Java generated Service/Stub classes.

When I invoke the first service, the load balancer inserts a Set-Cookie
header in the HTTP response. I need to extract this header value and use
it in a Cookie to be sent with all subsequent service requests on 
other services. This will ensure that my request goes back to the
proper server in the cluster.

I cannot, for the life of me, get this value out of my stub!

I can set a cookie without any problem. It's getting the initial
one that has me stumped. I've also tried getting HEADER_COOKIE,
HEADER_COOKIE2, and HEADER_SET_COOKIE2. Nothing seems to work.

It's critical that I get this working. It can be done quite easily
using .NET WSE, and I have clients working with that. I'd like
to be able to have clients using Axis too! :)

Any help would be greatly appreciated! 

-- Brian

SOAPSecurityServiceLocator securityLocator = new SOAPSecurityServiceLocator();

SOAPSiteServiceLocator siteLocator = new SOAPSiteServiceLocator();

SOAPSecurity securityService = securityLocator.getSOAPSecurity();
String securityToken = securityService.login("xxxx","xxxx","xxxx","xxxx");

// Get the value of the Set-Cookie header?
// This always returns null!
String jSessionId = 

SOAPSite siteService = siteLocator.getSOAPSite();

// Set the cookie value
// Always fails since jSessionId is null!

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