All, I have a set of message driven beans deployed in Weblogic 6.1. These beans share a singleton AxisServer to provide services in response to messages arriving on the destination to which the MDBs are bound. Sending raw xml as a JMS TextMessage to the JMS destination triggers the MDBs, invokes the service, and returns the result to an temporary destination. So far, so good...
However, the XML I'm sending is hand-created, at the moment. I'm trying to use a JMSTransport to send the message, but it keeps timing out..."org.apache.axis.transport.jms.InvokeTimeoutException: Unable to complete call in time allotted" I never receive a message in the JMS destination, and turning on verbose output on the client doesn't output any debugging messages to let me know what's going on. I do see a t3 connection to my server, so I believe it's connecting okay. Just not sure what it's trying to do... I've mimicked the code in jms/, but still can't seem to get it working. It doesn't complain about my JMS/JNDI property file settings ( unless I intentionally specify some screwy name for an connects/connection factory, destination name, etc. ). Any pointers? Code to share? Known issues with Weblogic? Thanks! Brian /*************************************** * R. Brian Manley * Sr. Systems Integration Engineer * Granite Systems, Inc. * (603)625-0100 * [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***************************************/