Hi! I am sorry if my questions seems a bit funny! But I am trying to understand the concept around RPC and Web services:
What I do: I want to make a web service (application) that will enable clients to download/upload files (like FTP), all of these with web services! I have made some first thoughts about the architecture of my application , and having some experience in other multi tier technologies I came up to some newbie questions. I want my clients before use the ftplike service, to log on into my application. Entering a user name an password in an application scope service , that would return an ID. Given this ID the clients would be able to call methods on a session scope service that would enable them to transfer files. My question is: In my server side imlementation of session scope object, how I will be able to get a reference to the application scope service? Is there the notion of the container manager that will help me from my server side objects (session) to get references to an application scope object, like there is in J2ee or in JSP! If not, in order to do that logging facility and provide its client its own session services is there an alternative way? Client TOMCAT /axis ------- ----------------------------->(Username) Logging Service(application scope) (ID) <---------------------------- - CAN THESE TWO TALK EACH OTHER? ------- ---------------------------------------------> Ftplike Service (session scope_ transfer files/various methods <---------------------------------------------- Thank you for your time!