
I have attempted publishing a few services using both the jws file and wsdd
deployment techniques and have some questions and feedback.

1. Services published using jws and wsdd, result in a WSDL definition having
a namespace URI-
     http://<hostname>:<port>//axis/<servicename> or

   Is there any way for me to specify a custom URI for my service. I know I
can do it in the beanMapping where i specify a qname for the mapped bean

<deployment xmlns="http://xml.apache.org/axis/wsdd/";
  <service name="http://www.interkeel.com/Portfolio"; provider="java:RPC" >
    <parameter name="className"
value="com.interkeel.samples.server.portfolio.PortfolioManager" />
    <parameter name="allowedMethods" value="getPortfolio ping" />
  <beanMapping qname="portfolio:Position"


2. I have noticed that services deployed using the jws technique, tend to
ignore the namespace URIs completely. I used a simple service where I
initially forgot to specify the namespace URI but the call actually
succeeded and came back with a result instead of a fault. Shouldn't SOAP
services be restrictive in the messages they accept. I know that there are
typed and untyped servers but here a SOAP service that is using the endpoint
information to invoke a specific Java provider.

interKeel, Inc.

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