RE: New to axis arrays

2002-02-19 Thread Jon Kurland
11:13 AM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Re: New to axis arrays Here's a couple ideas. 1) Look at the samples.echo.TestClient code. There are some examples in the code for sending and receiving arrays. 2) If you have the wsdl for the service, run WSDL2Java to generate c

Re: New to axis arrays

2002-02-16 Thread R J Scheuerle Jr
Here's a couple ideas. 1) Look at the samples.echo.TestClient code. There are some examples in the code for sending and receiving arrays. 2) If you have the wsdl for the service, run WSDL2Java to generate client side stubs. Even if you don't use the stubs, you can see how the stubs invoke the

New to axis arrays

2002-02-15 Thread Jon Kurland
Can someone help me with a problem I am having. I am trying to make a soap request using an axis client that sends a float and returns an array of floats. Any help and sample code will be would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance, JK