Title: Proxy problems



I have now located an example from axis documentation that is similar to the on described below.  It is axis-1_2beta\samples\userguide\example6.


I would appreciate answer to the second question that I have, what are the disadvantages to using this approach as against creating a call object and invoking a method on a service?






-----Original Message-----
From: Sagar Pidaparthi
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2004 10:00 AM
Subject: Calling sequence in a client




I am using the following calling sequence for invoking web services and it seems to work.  I got this sequence from IBMs examples somewhere.  I don’t find a similar example in the list provided in Axis documentation.  Is this a valid way to use the web services?


First I instantiate the locator for a service, from a locater created by wsdl2java tool.  Then I obtain the service, and then I invoke the method in the service.


Is this a valid way to use Axis web services, are there any disadvantages in using like this?











SecurityMgrBeanClientAgentServiceLocator securityLocator = new SecurityMgrBeanClientAgentServiceLocator();

System.out.println("Step1: created Security Locator");

SecurityMgrBeanClientAgent securityCA = securityLocator.getSecurityMgrBeanClientAgent();

System.out.println("Step 2: SecurityMgrBeanClientAgent");

authentication = securityCA.authenticate("hmonroe", "hmonroe");

System.out.println("Step 3: authentication token obtained   " + authentication );



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