Re: EJB provider and JSR109

2003-09-24 Thread Sebastian Esponda
Download Axis source code and look this class: ... you will know how the lookup is made and the params supported by this provider. I'm using this provider for exposing Stateless Session Beans, accesing locals. The bean service I/O is using typemapping J

RE: EJB provider and JSR109

2003-09-23 Thread Srinath Perera
Thanks Samuel Am worried not about how to expose a EJB as web service. I want to know how the server do the lookup and how it works. JSR109 is "webservices for J2EE" and talk about how to expose J2EE componets as webservices. I want to know how much axis support it. What left to be done :) Tha

RE: EJB provider and JSR109

2003-09-23 Thread Koller, Shmuel
Axis exposes a EJB (which can be in remote EJB container - relative to Axis web container). You have to deploy in Axis - meaning just define the web-service (java:EBJ, port of EJB containener, etc). No piece of code needed on SOAP server side. Axis will do the lookup and Expose the EJB - only as S

Re: EJB provider and JSR109

2003-09-19 Thread Sebastian Esponda
I've used it without no problem, I understand Axis typemapping is JSR109 compatible, but you must avoid using Objects that requires special mapping, only use object types listed in the spec, and don't use any Axis-specific feature (handlers, scopes, etc.) I'm using primitives, Date, String and

RE: EJB Provider

2002-05-29 Thread Vidyanand Murunikkara
Hey Christopher Try adding the following parameter to the service description There was some problem when this was absent from the service description. This might solve your problem Hope this helps. Vidyanand. -Original Message- From: Adams, Christopher [mailto:[EMAI