Title: RE: How to create the server-config.wsdd file in a script (without any running server)

What I did was use the AdminClient to publish my service with the server running, and it created the service section in server-config.wsdd (saved in WEB-INF in the axis webapp directory in Tomcat), then I took what I needed from that file and copied it in my own version of server-config.wsdd, the one I use for deploy inside the war file.

-----Original Message-----
From: Heitzeg, Bill [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Jueves 15 de Enero de 2004 15:46
Subject: RE: How to create the server-config.wsdd file in a script
(without any running server)

        I believe I'm doing what you're asking.  I'm just placing everything directly in the server-config.wsdd and then kicking off Ant to build it all into a war.  In other words, I have a server-config.wsdd file as part of my build project, I place all my config information in this file (what would normally be passed in as part of deploy.wsdd) and then add it to the war when I build.  I don't use deploy.wsdd at all.

If that doesn't help, I can send you what I have in a zip file.


-----Original Message-----
From: Petr Kozelka [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, January 15, 2004 12:50 PM
Subject: How to create the server-config.wsdd file in a script (without
any running server)


I need to create a WAR file containing whole AXIS + my webservice, in
order to make the deployment of my webservice same as deploying any
other WAR.

The problem is that I did found no way to create the server-config.xml
file without having any server running. I need to do this in an ANT
script, because the whole process will be reproduced many times at
several machines, typically disconnected from the corporate network.
But it seems that the AdminClient utility
   a) always tries to connect a server
   b) never returns the server-config.wsdd file to a caller-accessible
location; instead, it is created just on the server.

Is there a way to convince the AdminClient or other utility to produce
the wsdd file at the clientside, without connecting webserver ?


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