
I was having the following problem:

I implemented a web service with style document/literal.

I was able to test it without problems but - as soon as I called the service
with the "?wsdl" parameter - I was no more able to execute it since I always
received the exception: "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDeserializer
encountered a child element, wich is NOT expected, in something it was
trying to deserialize".

At the beginning I just igored this problem and I fixed it declaring a
static wsdl in the server-config.wsdd file... but it wasn't nice... Than I
discovered a solution (I don't know if this is really THE solution, but at
least it solves the problem).

In my wsdl I defined the parts of my messages with the "type" attribute
(pointing to two ComplexTypes of my schema):

    <wsdl:message name="validateResponse">
        <wsdl:part name="response" type="digni:Digniesponse"/>

I think this was wrong, since with the document style I had to use the
"element" attribute, pointing to an element of my schema (or at least I've
read so). So changing them like

    <wsdl:message name="validateResponse">
        <wsdl:part name="response" element="digni:response"/>

and regenerating the java classes with WSDL2Java I'm now able to call my
service with the "?wsdl" parameter without problems...



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Herber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Dienstag, 14. September 2004 10:38
> Subject: RE: bug in apache axis 1.2 beta ? 
> Hi,
> I'm also having this problem.
> I'm using Axis 1.2 beta 3 with Tomcat.
> Wenn the server starts my WS works fine, as soon I call the 
> ...?wsdl URL I receive the described exception.
> Regards,
> Patrick
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Consultnix [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Sent: Dienstag, 14. September 2004 00:00
> > Subject: bug in apache axis 1.2 beta ? 
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > I'm usign axis 1.2 beta with jboss,as webapp no jboss-net, 
> to access a 
> > EJB using java:EJB as provider.
> > 
> > When I restart Jboss and try a client axis works ok, but when I 
> > restart Jboss and after getting a correct wsdl 
> > http://..../axis/services/ MyService?wsdl the client fails with a
> > "org.xml.sax.SAXException: SimpleDesrializer encountered a child 
> > element, wich is NOT expected, in something it was trying to 
> > deserialize " exception. If no access to wsdl then no error.
> > 
> > Any idea what's happening ?
> > Any workaround ?
> >                                                     Thanks.
> > 

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