Hi All,

I am very fond of JiBX and I am trying to use it for implementing my
own (De)Serializers replacing AXIS default  (De)Serializers. However
when I register my (De)Serializers with AXIS's server-config.wsdd file
and start my web service  deployed on WebSphere 5.0, I am getting an
exception which in simple terms translates to
"com.tri.TriJibxDeserFactory  Unable to create Tri JiBX deserializer
Basically what I feel is that even though I distribute my
(de)serializer classes in a jar and keep them in  WEB-INF\lib
directory, websphere/jboss somehow does not recognize these classes
and eventually they are not loaded  and instantiated. To be more
specific I get JBoss exception like "No classfounder found to load my
<custom class>"

Can anyone tell how do I go ahead and debug this problem and find a
solution. Please suggest ?

Thanks & Regards,

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