Re: newbie wsdl question

2004-10-20 Thread john cho
Hi, i have been trying to run example4(LogHandler) thru Ant script to create WSDL and to create WSDD. When I did run to generate WSDL with axis-wsdl2java, it generates warning messages as follows: [axis-java2wsdl] Java2WSDL [axis-java2wsdl] - The class org.apache.a

Re: newbie wsdl question

2004-10-19 Thread Tim Hu
dear tony: thanks for your reply. however, the Service object requires not only the wsdl file, but also a QName object which from the sample codes of axis-java, requires a name from the wsdl file itself. i will look into your other suggestions, thanks again, ye --- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: >

Re: newbie wsdl question

2004-10-19 Thread tony . q . weddle
I've used the org.apache.axis.client.Service constructors, that take a WSDL file name or URL, but haven't done the kind of dynamic invocation that you're talking about. I still needed to know the port name and operation that I wanted to call. However, the Service class does have a getPorts() metho

newbie wsdl question

2004-10-19 Thread Tim Hu
dear all: just started playing with axis (java) for some demo project, and have one fundamental question: if a wsdl file of a very basic service (e.g. invoke the service to get a string) is available to the client, is there some existing/easy way for the client to extract the required parameters

manually supply WSDL question

2004-04-16 Thread Gill, John
I’ve read   and have successfully implemented this solution.   I’ve noticed that the WSDL file reported back to the browser, while containing the same stuff, is formatted differently.  Am I just seeing things, o

?wsdl question

2003-08-07 Thread Xavier . Fabre
hi, I am using axis 1.1 and have deployed a service from a wsdl file which uses schema constructs comming from my namespace. The service seems to work fine but when I try to access the ?wsdl url I get: Axis Error Sorry, something seems to have gone wrong... here are the details: Fault - makeTypeE

WSDL question

2003-03-06 Thread Brain, Jim
I've created a class (message type) and asked AXIS to let me do the work of parsing the XML, so I use the Process(Element[] e) type of API call. When I deploy this service, and ask for WSDL for it, it errors out. Any way to fix that? Jim Jim Brain, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: wsdl question

2003-02-21 Thread Virga
thanks, i finally install itnow it's time to test it.

RE: wsdl question

2003-02-20 Thread Harry . Kobetitsch
- From: Virga [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 1:45 PM To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: wsdl question how do i know if the wsdl generated by Axis is in a right format, so every client (.net, java, php) can invoke web services based on my wsdl correctly. especially when i

wsdl question

2003-02-20 Thread Virga
how do i know if the wsdl generated by Axis is in a right format, so every client (.net, java, php) can invoke web services based on my wsdl correctly. especially when i declare to a java specific class like javabeans or Collection. is there any free soap client based on .NET out there ? VR BEG

wsdl question

2002-09-20 Thread Jeff Greif
I've hit (and worked around) a problem with a WSDL-described web service, and cannot tell at the moment whether the problem is with the WSDL description or with WSIF/Axis. If the latter, I'll cheerfully submit a bug report. I'm working with a WSIF client program derived from the DynamicInvoker s

Re: WSDL Question

2002-06-04 Thread Russell Butek
EMAIL PROTECTED] To: "'[EMAIL PROTECTED]'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> cc: Subject: WSDL Question I'm having a problem with the following wsdl example: targetNamespace="urn:FooBar2" xmlns:tns="urn:FooBar2" xmlns:xsd0="

Re: WSDL Question

2002-06-03 Thread James Yegerlehner
> > If I change the message-type attribute from 'element' to 'type' it works!?! Jeff- Sure, because "Ping" is a type, not an element. If you want to use element instead of type, add a Ping element to the schema. BTW the schema uses the obsolete schema namespace:

WSDL Question

2002-06-03 Thread Edwards, Jeff
I'm having a problem with the following wsdl example:"; xmlns:xsd1="urn:FooBar2" xmlns:soap=""; xmlns="";> http://ww