Hi People,

I encountered a few problems installing Axis.  The happyaxis testpage
mentioned errors like :

could not find class javax.xml.soap.SOAPMessage from file saaj.jar

Like noted on the happyaxis-page, this is because on Tomcat 4.x and Java1.4,
you need to put libraries that contain java.* or javax.* packages into

jaxrpc.jar, saaj.jar and wsdl4j.jar are such libraries, which I moved to
the common/lib directory of tomcat. This solved the problem mentioned above,
but I still got an error :

Error: could not find a dependency of class

This error didn't show up when I also moved the other axis jars (axis-jar,
axis-ant.jar, commons-discovery.jar, commons-logging.jar and
log4j-1.2.8.jar) to the common/lib directory.  This is strange because these
libraries do not contain java.* or javax.* packages ?

Eventually, everything seems to work out fine ;

-- Bart

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