I believe I have solved my problem... I used to be using Axis beta 1. I had the "jaxrpc.jar" left over from beta 1 in my Tomcat/common/lib directory. After copying beta 2's version of jaxrpc.jar into common/lib, it appears as though I can deploy correctly now.



On Tue, 2002-06-04 at 14:20, Bryan Field-Elliot wrote:
I'm using Axis beta 2. I've written a WSDL file (by hand), generated
skeletons/stubs, compiled them, and deployed them to Tomcat just fine.

Now when I try to deploy the Axis service (using the generated .wsdd
file), I get the following exception. Any help would be greatly
appreciated, as this is very puzzling. Are class files missing, or is
something misconfigured?

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