Hello. I'm a researcher studying the Aymara spoken in rural parts of
Moquegua. I visited there several weeks ago and made a lot of
recordings. Now I am working to translate and transcribe them, but
this  is a very difficult process. 

I would like to ask if you can help me understand one of the most
difficult phrases, I have a rough translation, but there may be some

Here's the phrase:

ukam sarajuataynaw siwa.
mä waynax puritschix.
arirux qawrapamp qawrasitt´asit uka kargon

I translate it this way:

A guy went, they say. A guy came. This traveller was with his llama
which was pulling cargo.

The most difficult part for me to really understand is the second
sentence, specifically the verb, [puri-t-s-chi-x(a)]. I see the root
is 'to come' but what about the morphemes? I'm not sure what they mean... 

Does anyone have any ideas? I'm especially curious how to translate

Keep in mind that I'm not 100% sure that I've transcribed this word
correctly... I have the recording still, so I could post it or send it
to you if that would help.

Thanks all.

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