I know the Los Angeles Family History has undergone an extensive
renovation. We used to have 100 microfilm readers. Now there is way less
(maybe 40)? The film room was turned into offices and storage. The offices
and computer area was turned into very nice offices and the film area (no
longer a
Will this make it clearer?
Here is the first sentence:
Socios eliminados durante o anno de 1896 for fallecimento 2359 Adolfo Benarus.
Por falta de pagamentos de taxes soc?aes Artico 1*, n *4
It is from "Actas das Sessoes da Sociedade de Geographia de Lisboa Funndada em
1875" and relates to Ado
This is more historical in nature.
I received an email which contained a You Tube video for an upcoming book
which would be titled "Ponta Delgada - Album of Memories." I guess the You
Tube video is a promotion for what I think would be more of what I would
call a "coffee table" book (my mother wa
Hi Everyone
Just an FYI ... I have posted the latest versions of the following files on the
Azores GenWeb. As before, these are written in Flemish and will need to be
searched and/or translated for names you are interested in. These are volumes I
and II. Volume III will follow soon.
Hi Marge,
I also have Maria Thomazia Lima and Jose Francisco Rocha In my line. Their
great granddaughter Maria Filomena Rocha married my great grandfather
Manuel Joaquim Carvalho on 18 Feb 1884 in Bretanha.
Richard Francis Pimentel
Spring, TX
Formerly of Epping, New Hampshire
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