Hello all. My mom has been working on our ancestry for years and I've 
recently started doing some of my own research. I know of a family member 
Joseph Francis Martin (B: 5 May 1842 in Flores) but I was hoping to attain 
information on his parents. The only information I've been able to find is 
from a book, *History of Sonoma County* (where he lived from age 14 to 
death), where his parents are briefly mentioned as Joseph and Mary Martin 
who lived and died "on the Azores islands." Their names are pretty generic 
to research but I was wondering if anyone had recommendations for 
resources? I was thinking of trying to find some sort of birth record for 
Joseph F. and work backwards from there. 

Hopefully this wasn't a dumb question, I'm new to all this and would love 
to get some advice!

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