I'd resigned myself to having a dead end in my direct paternal line, *BUT* 
... did the new marriage index just help open this up?

I looked up *Antónia de São José*, who was the mother of my great-great 
grandfather, *Manuel Jose da Cunha* (13 FEB 1843). Here is Manuel's *birth 
translation from João Ventura:

*Manuel, son of unknown father and Antónia de São José, maternal grandson 
of Manuel José da Cunha and his wife Maria de São José, all native of Topo, 
São Jorge Island, was born on 13 February 1843 and was baptized on the 
16th, in Topo, São Jorge Island. Godfather was Manuel José, son of the 
maternal grandparents. *

I looked for Antonia's name in the new marriage index, and found a hit ...
*This is a marriage record for Antónia de São José 
daughter of Maria de São José. It looks like on 2 Dec 1843, she married *Joze 
Silveira Luis*, filho de pai não sabido e de Anna Francisca. 


This record seems to say that Antónia's mother was Maria de São José and 
pai não sabido, but I have records showing Manuel Jose da Cunha as her 
father - including in Manuel's birth record, shared above. 

*There is a lot in this marriage record that I am not understanding, and I 
am hoping someone with more skills than I have can help me out ...*

I tried using Google Translate, for the first part ... not making much 
sense, and I fear it's the fault of my inexperienced eyes on the document.

*Joze Silveira Luis, filho de pai nao sabido e de Anna Francisca, e Antonia 
de Sao Jose, filla de Maria de Sao Jose e de pai nao sabido, las quan nacer 
am a contra hente em as doze dias do mes de Abril do anno de mil oito 
centos e veinte, e fai baptizado em as quatorze de af do lito e anno, e a 
contrahente em as veinte cinco dias do mes de Fevereiro do anno de mil oito 
centos e de oito e fai baptizada em as dois dias do mes de Marzo do anno de 
mesmo anno natura e freguses desta matriz des nova senhora do Rosario da 
Villa Nova do Topo*

*Joze Silveira Luis, son of an unknown father and Anna Francisca, and 
Antonia de Sao Jose, filla de Maria de Sao Jose and father not known, when 
born against. On the twelfth day of the month of April of the year one 
thousand eight hundred and twenty, and shall be baptized on the fourteenth 
day of the month and the year, and the counterpart on the twenty-fifth day 
of February of the year one thousand eight hundred and Of eight and fai 
baptized in the two days of the month of March of the year of the same year 
natura and freguses of this matrix of the new lady of the Rosary of the New 
Villa of Topo*

If this is true, then I have likely extended my paternal line to include 
Joze Silveira Luis, filho de pai não sabido e de Anna Francisca (at this 
point, another pai não sabido, but at least it's another generation?) 

THANK YOU to all of the researchers who put together this amazing resource!!

- Eric

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