Perhaps the marriage for* António de Medeiros Moura and Joanna Maria* 
(Estimated before sometime 1789, so 1170-1789 ?) could be in *Agua de Pau*, 
since in the Obituary of their son Francisco it says that his mother is a 
natural of Agua de Pau (instead of Nossa Senhora do Rosario, Lagoa).
Another possibility is *Relva*, since their son *Francisco de Medeiros 
Moura* (sometimes documented as de Medeiros Pimentel) married *Vitoria de 
Jesus in Relva after 1818*.  This is another record I am looking for.

I feel like I have been back and forth in the Santo António church book 
looking for this, and I also checked Nossa Senhora do Rosario with no 
luck.  I could have missed it though.  Does anyone have a searchable index 
for these freguesias please?  

Thank you in advance if anyone is able to help.

Kind Regards,

On Tuesday, September 25, 2018 at 10:53:55 AM UTC-5, Lisa S wrote:
> Hello,
> I have really been having some difficulty in finding some marriage records 
> in the Santo António além Capelas freguesia on the island of São Miguel, 
> and also the Lagoa area.  From what I have seen so far in the Santo António 
> freguesia, the priest(s) was/were not always consistent with the names they 
> used to document the parishoners.  I don't know if this means that in fact 
> the parishoners had long names, and that when they stated them to the 
> priest, the priest only wrote down some of them, or if the parishoners 
> sometimes just gave the priest portions of their names.
> The road blocks that I have hit in getting this section of my tree higher:
> *1.  *
> I cannot find the marriage record for the parents of Francisco de Medeiros 
> Maura.  In the birth records of some of Francisco's children I have seen 
> his name documented sometimes as *Francisco de Medeiros Maura*, and 
> sometimes *Francisco de Medeiros Pimentel*.  The names of his parents 
> (the grandparents) have stayed constant in those records that I have found, 
> and their names are *António de Medeiros Maura* and *Joanna Maria*, *António 
> is a natural of Santo António and Joanna Maria is a natural of Lagoa (Nossa 
> Senhora do Rosario),* but I have not been able to find their marriage 
> record.  I have checked Santo António, but have not found it there.  I have 
> also checked Nossa Senhora do Rosario, Lagoa, but did not find it there 
> either.  It's possible that I could have missed it, or that Joanna Maria's 
> parents moved to a different freguesia after her birth, and that they were 
> then married in that new freguesia.  
> The obituary for Joanna Maria 
> 30 September 1830 - 70 years old more or less
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-PD-SANTOANTONIO-O-1830-1860/SMG-PD-SANTOANTONIO-O-1830-1860_item1/P4.html
> The obituary for António de Medeiros Maura
> 29 September 1831 - 80 years old more or less
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/SMG-PD-SANTOANTONIO-O-1830-1860/SMG-PD-SANTOANTONIO-O-1830-1860_item1/P45.html
> I believe their son Francisco was born 1 August 1789, so their marriage 
> would have happened before that date.  I found 2 siblings born AFTER that 
> date in Santo António:  João in 1793, and Margarida in 1794, but no one 
> before 1789, so perhaps his parents lived in a different freguesia before 
> moving to Santo António?
> 2. 
> I am also having difficulty finding the marriage record for *Francisco de 
> Viveiros do Rego* and *Joanna de Medeiros*.  They are both naturals of 
> the Santo António além Capelas freguesia, so I believe the marriage should 
> have taken place there.  I estimate the marriage to have taken place around 
> the year 1767.
> I have seen the name of Francisco de Viveiros do Rego documented sometimes 
> as Francisco de Viveiros, and sometimes as Francisco de Medeiros do Rego, I 
> am not sure if this was a mistake or not since his wife Joanna has the 
> surname de Medeiros.
> He was born 9 February 1748.
> Joanna de Medeiros was born 20 January 1749.
> Is anyone else researching these two families, or does someone happen to 
> have an index with this information in it?  I would be very appreciative of 
> any help.
> Thank you very much and kind regards,
> Lisa

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