Lourenco da Roza Vo. de Ma. da Roza nat. e moradores desta freg. de Sma. 
Trindade desta ilha de Fayal da idade de setanta annos... faleceu emos dois 
dias, de June, 1778, He was wrapped in robe of S, Francisco and was given a 
funeral through a brotherhood. He left a will with Joze Pereira Fernandes 
(testamenteiro) and money and asked that prayers be said for his soul. He 
apparently paid for a crypt or monument (jazigo) and this is indicated in 
the side margin where he paid 14 or 142 cruzes for this to be carried out. 
To be sure, he was better off than most people.


On Saturday, April 9, 2016 at 8:44:00 PM UTC-4, Becky M. wrote:
> Does this record give anything other the death date and wife's name?? And 
> there are notes in the margin..are they pertinent?
> Right lower side of page;
> http://culturacores.azores.gov.pt/biblioteca_digital/FAL-HT-CAPELO-O-1738-1791/FAL-HT-CAPELO-O-1738-1791_item1/P114.html
> Thank you!
> -- 
> Becky/John Mendonca
> Researching Faial island- doValle, da Silva, Rosa, Silveira

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