I would like to make a friendly suggestion and I have mentioned it before 
but I really do think it is that important. I have noticed that many people 
in the Azores Project do not list the Island or the Village of their 
maternal or paternal ancestor even when that information is available this 
is too bad I will explain why. These islands were settled by a small number 
of people we are all related, James H. Guill wrote in his book A History of 
the Azores Islands that he believed that the islands were settled by about 
2,000 families, I don't know if that can be verified but it is an 
indication that  we are all descended from a relatively small source 
population. Currently there are about 250,000 people living in the Azores 
descendants of those original settlers with over 1,000,000 in North 
American and I suspect at least  10 times that amount in Brazil. In my own 
humble opinion in order to put the puzzle together it is also important to 
record the Village(freguesia) and island of our ancestors next to their 
names  particularly because of the inconsistent way surnames were often 
handed down. 

The DNA results are showing some patterns I have been doing some research 
on specific Y dna and Mtdna haplogroups and it is apparent the there are 
some interesting patterns showing up but unfortunately many people don't 
list their ancestral village or island not because of not having the 
information but because of not understanding the benefit of doing so. I 
believe I counted about 150 Y-DNA results in the Project that don't list 
even an island much less their ancestral Village. 

I do however want to say thank you to the person who is currently 
organizing the results it is really looking nice. 

Antonio Faria

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