This is a copy of a letter in my files...from the Azores List in May  2000. 
 There was inquiry about van der Hagen being the grandson of the John  the 
Fearless, Duke of Burgundy.    Toni
Subject: Re: [PORTUGAL-L] Guilherme da Silveira (van  der Hagen) 
Date: Sun, 7 May 2000 15:47:23 +0200  
References: <>  
No trace of this van der Haghen in the book by van  Kerrebrouck(pp.517-608),
(only descendants in the male line,but a daughter  married to a "van der 
-or something resembling this should be easy to  spot)
nor in "L'Intermédiaire des généalogistes"(Belgium)1955:321sqq(a  special 
on the illegitimate descendants of the dukes of  Burgundy,including lists 
families descending from them in the female  line),Schwennicke "Europaische 
III/2:316-319,Cahiers de St.Louis  3:173-188(these last two are not thát 
reliable when
dealing with flemish  & dutch families..)
José  Verheecke

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