
AuthName do the trick :-)

Now I wanna have a "Logout".
Therefore I have a configuration for my homepage in /etc/apache2/conf.d:

Alias /MyHome /usr/share/MyHome/www/
<Directory /usr/share/MyHome/www/secure>
        AllowOverride None
        AuthGroupFile /etc/backuppc/htgroup
        AuthUserFile /etc/backuppc/htpasswd
        AuthType basic
        AuthName "BackupPC Admin"
        require valid-user
<Directory /usr/share/MyHome/www/logout>
        AllowOverride None
        AuthGroupFile /etc/myHome/htgroup
        AuthUserFile /etc/myHome/htpasswd
        AuthType basic
        AuthName "BackupPC admin"
        require valid-user

I call "http://anonymus:log...@localhost/MyHome/logout"; for logout where
anonymus/logout are username/password within the /etc/myHome/htpasswd.
This will work in Firefox, but I get a message like "You are trying to login
on 'localhost' as user 'anonymus'".
How to avoid this message?

Is there another way to realize a "logout"?

Konqueror do accept the syntax but don't log me off. If I return to the
secure directory I don't have to enter username/password again.

Internet Explorer 8 seems not to accept the syntax. IE say "file not found".

Sorry for inconvenience because that is not the right forum for my question.
But it is a forum where are well educated people :-)

I post this message to alt.apache.configuration too. But I am sure, backuppc
will answer faster and better ;-)

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