Hello Everyone,
   I've been a maintainer of an old install of backuppc until our server 
recently died.  I've reinstalled and brought all other services back 
except for backuppc.  Many of our backup clients are behind routers and 
I had been using the ClientNameAlias option in their respective 
config.pl files.  However, when I try the test command:
bash-4.1$ /usr/share/BackupPC/bin/BackupPC_dump -f -v $CLIENT

I get the output:

Name server doesn't know about $CLIENT; trying NetBios
cmdSystemOrEval: about to system /usr/bin/nmblookup $CLIENT
cmdSystemOrEval: finished: got output querying $CLIENT on 
name_query failed to find name $CLIENT

NetBiosHostIPFind: couldn't find IP address for host $CLIENT
host not found

   I'm a little confused by the output.  I have the host setup with 
DHCP=0, and rsyncd is my backup method in /etc/config.pl.  I'm not quite 
sure why backuppc is trying to use the hostname as a netbios name, and 
why it seems to ignore the router ip I provide in the client's config.pl 
file.  More perplexing is that nmblookup seems to return an ip address, 
but that ip address is not in use.  It won't resolve using nslookup, so 
I'm can't understand where it was found. Any insight would be greatly 

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