On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 6:11 PM, Holger Parplies <wb...@parplies.de> wrote:
>> Personally, I would just use rsync over ssh like any other target and
>> not worry about the CPU doing a little extra work.  It's probably not
>> doing much else then anyway...
> While I agree with rsync, I don't see the point of ssh, and you're completely
> ignoring the fact that there was some thought behind using the script - as if
> you were trying to "trick" Phil into getting rid of it.

No, the reason that I use - and recommend - it is to eliminate special
cases.  Rsync over ssh 'just works' and can be the same everywhere.

> You also seem to be
> missing that it's a local backup, so the CPU is probably doing compression
> (as well as both sides of the ssh), and it might even be running concurrent
> backups.

Yes, but my philosophy is that the machines are supposed to be doing
the work instead of people - that's why we have them.  So I'll let the
CPU do a few extra cycles as a tradeoff for not wasting a weekend
figuring out which quote was misplaced in a special case instance or
why one instance works and another one doesn't.

> While replacing tar with rsync *inside* the script avoids the problem of
> needing to escape the date, it does *not* avoid needing to escape the
> $argList. While you might get away with an incorrect setting as long as
> there happens to be nothing requiring quoting, you'll be surprised some
> day when it stops working because you change your backup set, so do
> yourself a favour and get it right now, whether with tar or with rsync.

And don't forget the point that tar incrementals can miss things that
rysnc will catch.

   Les Mikesell

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