Moorcroft, Mark (ARC-TS)[ERC, Inc.] wrote at about 19:25:23 +0000 on Friday, 
October 24, 2014:
 > All of my systems are 64 bit CentOS, and all have /var/log/lastlog. With
 > various pressure from both the private sector and government demanding
 > some kind of log archiving, I thought some kind of FAQ or note could save
 > countless man hours for people trying to use BackupPC. I wasted 2 days
 > going down various rabbit holes, and I actually knew better. 

Feel free to write such a note or FAQ.

Presumably the reason this has not yet been added to the FAQ is that
the problem with lastlog is not at all a "frequently" asked
question. I for one have been regularly & religiously reading this
list for years and this is the first I recall mention of the issue.

 > But that was so long ago that I forgot about this until the light
 > bulb went on. When I searched the BackupPC list archive, I had to
 > go all the way back to 2007 to find discussion about lastlog.

This would tend to confirm that 'lastlog' is not a "frequently" asked
question and seemingly has not been a (significant) issue to anyone
but you in 7 years.

 > So I suggested some kind of hint to help people OR hard coding
 > something.

You are welcome to write such a hint.

However, I for one would strongly oppose hard coding something for such a rare
case that doesn't seem to even be relevant on most if not all modern
systems. Indeed, most of us have developed our own "custom" exclude
strings precisely to handle our own personal situations of files that
cause us issues or that we don't want to backup -- many of these cases
(such as locked files on windows systems) are FAR more common than
your "lastlog" case and no one has ever suggested hard coding them.

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