
Here is a snippet from my exclude list, which works using rsyncd on a Win2k box:
/Documents and Settings/*/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files/*

The spaces are not a problem, for me at least. But, I did have considerable difficulty getting rsyncd.conf to behave when I placed the share as anywhere on my drive that had spaces in it. I had to resort to using 8.3 contractions (dir /x) to make it work. This was true for the log file locations, secret file locations, etc. Other people have reported no problems using the same package, so I'm at a loss to explain it.

Anyway, what I'm getting at is, if you set your share to be a directory with spaces in it, perhaps that is failing to match a folder at all, so you get the root instead. This means your excludes will fail to match as well, because / will not start in /Documents and Settings/ for you, but instead / is c:/. You could try changing the share folder to be /docume~1/ and see if that fixes your problem with excludes.

Good luck,

Jim McNamara wrote:
I did, and unfortunately it made no difference. Here is the rsyncd exclude info I based my file on -

# --exclude "*.o"   would exclude all filenames matching *.o
# --exclude "/foo"  would exclude a file in the base directory called foo

# --exclude "foo/"  would exclude any directory called foo.
# --exclude "/foo/*/bar"  would exclude any file called bar two levels below a
                          base directory called foo.

# --exclude "/foo/**/bar" would exclude any file called bar two or more levels 
                          a base directory called foo.
the full page is http://www.ss64.com/bash/rsync.html

I'm guessing the translation from bash to winworld is where my problem is occurring.


On 2/28/07, * Brien Dieterle* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    perhaps the leading "/"s are causing it not to match?  Have you
    tried just



    Jim McNamara wrote:
    The modified parts of the files now look like:
    $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
      '/Administrator/' => [
      '/Application\ Data/' => [
      '/All\ Users/' => [
      '/Default\ User/' => [

    and on windows:

    exclude = "/Administrator/" "/All\ Users/" "/Application\ Data/"
    "/Default\ User/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/.java/" "/Jennie\ and\
    Andy/.javaws/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/.jpi_cache/" "/Jennie\ and\
    Andy/Application\ Data/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/Cookies/" "/Jennie\
    and\ Andy/Desktop/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/Favorites/" "/Jennie\
    and\ Andy/Local\ Settings/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/My\ Documents/"
    "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/NetHood/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/PrintHood/"
    "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/Recent/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/SendTo/"
    "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/Start\ Menu/" "/Jennie\ and\ Andy/Temp/"

    I didn't think it would be necessary on the windows machine as it
    handled c:\Documents and Settings without special regards to the
    whitespace in the path, but figured it was better safe than sorry.

    Unfortunately, it still grabs the entire contents of Documents
    and Settings.


    On 2/28/07, *Brien Dieterle* <
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        Have you tried escaping the spaces with a \ ?  Like:
        '/Application\ Data/'

        Not sure if that will work, but it sounds like it's worth a shot.


        Jim McNamara wrote:
        Hello again list!

        I'm running into some trouble with excluding directories in
        rsyncd.conf on a windows machine. The machine in question is
        dying quickly, and rarely stays "alive" for more than 30
        minutes or so. Because of that, I'm trying to slowly
        increment what is being backed up to the debian server.

        The main problem is the excludes list is supposed to be
        separated by spaces, and of course everyone's favorite OS
        has spaces in directory names. I tried to get around this
        with quotation marks, but the things I ask to be excluded
        are still included. I also tried adding explicit excludes to
        the config on the backuppc, and that similarly didn't take.
        Here are the key configs -

        >From the host.pl on the backuppc -

        $Conf{RsyncShareName} = [
        $Conf{BackupFilesExclude} = {
          '/Administrator/' => [
          '/Application Data/' => [
          '/All Users/' => [
          '/Default User/' => [

        This is the rsyncd.conf that is running from the
        cygwin-rsyncd 2.6.8_0 package from the backuppc page at
        sourceforge. I am trying to start with the smallest possible
        amount of data from this machine, then I'll include things
one directory at a time.
        use chroot = false
        max connections = 4
        log file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.log
        pid file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.pid
        lock file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.lock
            path = c:/Documents and Settings
            comment = Everything
            strict modes = false
            auth users = backuppc
            secrets file = c:/rsyncd/rsyncd.secrets
            hosts allow = *MailScanner warning: numerical links are
        often malicious:* <>
            read only = false
            list = true
            exclude = "/Administrator/" "/All Users/" "/Application
        Data/" "/Default User/" "/Jennie and Andy/.java/" "/Jennie
        and Andy/.javaws/" "/Jennie and Andy/.jpi_cache/" "/Jennie
        and Andy/Application Data/" "/Jennie and Andy/Cookies/"
        "/Jennie and Andy/Desktop/" "/Jennie and Andy/Favorites/"
        "/Jennie and Andy/Local Settings/" "/Jennie and Andy/My
        Documents/" "/Jennie and Andy/NetHood/" "/Jennie and
        Andy/PrintHood/" "/Jennie and Andy/Recent/" "/Jennie and
        Andy/SendTo/" "/Jennie and Andy/Start Menu/" "/Jennie and

        All in all that should leave only about 10 Mb worth of data
        under c:\Documents and Settings that should be copied to the
        server, but every attempt at rsyncing grabs absolutely
        everything in documents and settings.

        Thanks for the help.


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